Big drop has knackered battery


Sep 3, 2002
Not a huge suprise I hear you cry :rolleyes:

At work last night I dopped my late shift belt light (6P head, 2 x 18500 Leaf C-C body with 2 of AW's protected 18500's running a LF HO9 bulb) down a flight of stairs (concrete covered in lino) and watched it clatter into the corner to be stopped by the wall :crying:

It still worked when I switched it on but very yellow, I swapped the batteries out and back to normal. I had not used it much last night and the 2 cells read 4.11 and 3.73V when tested this morning. The 3.73 volt will not charge up on my new Pila charger so I have heaved it in the bin and ordered some more :D

I read the instruction book for the Pila charger and it stated that a faulty battery would give the green LED solid and the red flashing rapidly. On mine both reg and green were on constant. I didnt think it was worth the risk of beggering about with it.

I drop my lights with horrible frequency but this is the first time I've had a battery go on me. I've reported here before that a Pila G3 of mine has 2 big chunks out of the reflector from drops and still works fine :eek:
That's quite strange. A metal-cased LiIon cell needs to get serious damage, i.e. visible deformation, to damage its internals enough that its charge drops.
Maybe it was shorted somehow?
I drop my lights with horrible frequency but this is the first time I've had a battery go on me. I've reported here before that a Pila G3 of mine has 2 big chunks out of the reflector from drops and still works fine :eek:

If you're a frequent dropper then the new GL3 would fit you perfectly. I can't tell you how many times I dropped mine on bare asphalt/concrete, and it still kicks like the day I got it. A few small dings here and there, but no major dents. Incredible.

I dropped my 3D Mag from the catwalk above Kong at Universal in Orlando. About 60 feet to concrete. I had to replace the bulb and it doesn't focus exactly right, but the worst part was down the ladder and back up the ladder and back onto the frame of the car.

Yeah, there's better, lighter, brighter, but my Mags have always "Taken a lickin'".
You may have just damaged the protection circuit in the battery rather than the cell itself. Good idea to throw it away. AW cells are quite cheap anyway.

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