bike advice needed is it good as trek 7000?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
well i finaly got a bike lol had to get a small loan fist and sell some stuff on ebay but i been trying to get a new bike for years lol .this is what i got’s-Schwinn...v&field-browse=16259321&rank=price&rh=&page=4 i replaced the drailer with a alivio hopefully thats betetr then the tourney that was on this a ok bike?is the derailer indeed a upgrade?PS I ADDED THE TREK 700 PART I WONDER IF ITS BETTER THEN TREKS ENTRY LEVEL HYBRID ALSO CAN YA TELL ME ABOUT THE FRAME IS IT GOOD?sorry for caps just wanted to point out the add
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Re: bike advice needed

yeah i thought about that but i didnt listen to my self lol it rode nice with the old one though excpet when on a very steep incline
Re: bike advice needed

That could have been a misadjustment on the old derailleur's part.

If it was sold through Target, that's almost certainly the case. They probably hire bicycle assemblers like WalMart does; outside employees paid per piece, or under heavy pressure to assemble as fast as possible. I wouldn't trust a bike sold at a retailer like WalMart, Target, etc to be safely assembled. Sure, most of the stuff is done at the factory, but I've seen some crazy stuff out there like forks installed backward. :shakehead

That's one reason to do your own bike maintenance though; if something is misadjusted or comes loose, you know who to blame.

To raggie33, I'm glad you like your bike, and I hope you get many happy miles out of it. That's all that's really important anyway.
Re: bike advice needed

If it was sold through Target, that's almost certainly the case.

To raggie33, I'm glad you like your bike, and I hope you get many happy miles out of it. That's all that's really important anyway.
Agree on both points.

I only have one bike that I did not build from the frame up and that one was completely rebuilt at least twice so it's almost as if I built it from the frame up. Since I'm my own mechanic I always blame my riding buddy when things go wrong with my bikes. Then again, he blames me when he has problems with his bikes but I'm his mechanic, too, so it's deserved. :)
Re: bike advice needed

good advice everyone i love it but hells still kick my but i live on the lake so its up hill when i ever leave my home and tonight is was crazy windy and cold i was so miserable lol the bike is nice i think but im slow ands old it says my average speed is just 10 mph lol
Re: bike advice needed

As you ride more it gets easier. I live in the hills just south of San Francisco at 400 feet above sea level. It used to kill me just riding around the block. Nowadays, I won't even go on a ride unless it's 10 miles or more because it takes me about 5 miles just to get warmed up. I started bike commuting about a year ago and my ride home would involve about 1200 feet of climbing.

Being old is a frame of mind. My daughter once asked me if I was a million years old. Now that made me feel old. I'll be 43 in a few weeks so I'm not all that old. I started cycling seriously only three or four years ago and really went overboard. I'm trying not to do that with flashlights, too.
how is the frame on it?i know its aluminum i just dont know if its a good frame i read pacific cycle made it for shwin also how does it compare to shwins entry level hybrid?
Wow, that looks like a step above the typical department store bicycle. I sure am jealous of you guys that can go out cycling this time of year.
I added the Trek 7000 part, I wonder if it's better than Trek's entry-level hybrid?

No, it's not. By the way, your bike uses very hard-to-find inner tubes, they're longer-than-normal Schrader-valve tubes. When I'm back at work Monday I'll try to get you a J&B Importers part number so you can ask a bike shop to order you a couple spares.
I'll second PCC. It will get easier as you ride more. Just remember to have fun! I got back on the wheels in mid-life myself. And I never road as much when I was younger.

Don't forget to carry a tube, some tools and of course, some lights if you are out after dark.
No, it's not. By the way, your bike uses very hard-to-find inner tubes, they're longer-than-normal Schrader-valve tubes. When I'm back at work Monday I'll try to get you a J&B Importers part number so you can ask a bike shop to order you a couple spares.

long-stem schraders? ha!