Black Diamond Spot - Is it the brightest compact HL?


Mar 23, 2006
Is the Black Diamond Spot the brightest of the compact headlamps (single strap, no battery in the back)?

Did the Black Diamond Spot get a led upgrade? Is the 2007 Black Diamond Spot the same as the 2008 Black Diamond Spot?

It's not water proof. How does it perform is the rain?
Is the Black Diamond Spot the brightest of the compact headlamps (single strap, no battery in the back)?

Did the Black Diamond Spot get a led upgrade? Is the 2007 Black Diamond Spot the same as the 2008 Black Diamond Spot?

It's not water proof. How does it perform is the rain?

The 2008 model of the BD Spot has a Cree LED over the 2007's model Lux1 LED. The 2008 model would be at least twice as bright as the 2007 model and would be amongst the brightest compact headlamps out there at the moment. Another contender would be the Princeton Tec EOS II.

Some other compact headlamps being released in the next few months are the Zebralight H51 (1AA, 66lm?) and the H31 (1CR123A, 80lm?).

Check Half-Watt's thread for a list of all the current headlamps with new generation (Rebel, Cree, Seoul) LED's.

My experience with the Spot in New Zealand's very wet mountains is that it does get wet inside but it still works. I wrap all joints with duct tape and that helps things. After three years of use the exterior casing as suffered some stress cracking.
i haven't written up the '08 BD Spot yet in the somewhat comprehensive list of HLs using newer Cree, Rebel, and SSC emitters.

however, i have posted elsewhere about the new Spot. just click my screen-name/alias and then click the "See all Posts by this User" (or whatever the precise wording of the hyper-link is). there you will be able to find my Posts on the BD Spot.

it is really bright. since the beam is much more focused than the PT Eos II, it appears a LOT brighter than the Eos II. however, they both may be putting out approx. the same amount of Lumens (*NOT* Lux - Lux-wise the Spot definitely has a MUCH brighter hotspot than the EosII).

i prefer the '08 BD Spot to the EosII. the only question in my mind right now is will the burntime on the '08 Spot be any better than it was in the previous version.

with perhaps one exception, IIRC, all of the BD LED headlamps that i've owned fr/their last two generations of HLs prior to '08 have *NOT* lived up to the Mfr. claims for burntime. yeah, maybe they produced 0.25lux @ 2m for the stated time (BD has now adopted that measurement standard, just like Petzl and some other Mfrs), but in earlier years they didn't clearly reference that standard and just gave some burntimes which i was never able to achieve (except perhaps in one case, IIRC). additionally, while i see the value of the new standard, i don't find the lower limit of the test to be real useful except for small task/proximity lights. BD is NOT alone in this "crab" of mine. i've similarly faulted other Mfr's for "inflating", IMO based upon my particular uses, their burntimes.

i simply can't hike an indistinct semi-technical trail w/just 0.25lux. YMMV.

hope this info helps.