I'm a newbee who has been lurking here for months and finally decided to join. I'm a big Infinity fan and thought I might stick in my 2 cents worth on this topic.
I have a blue/green, a white, plus an Ultra. Using alkalines, to my eyes anyway, the blue/green appears only slightly brighter than the white. The blue/green beam is different, so they are hard to compare. The white gives a wide, diffuse beam, and the center is blurry and blends gradually into the surrounding halo. The blue/green has a definite "bullseye" at the center, which is quite distinct from the surrounding halo. (The picture on the LED Museum site of the green beam is a close match). So the blue/green spot looks brighter, and indeed does seem to project farther outside. However, the overall brightness of the room-filling halo of light is similar with both lights, I think.
Perhaps my white is taking advantage of its white aluminum case, kind of like the polishing mentioned earlier.
The Ultra really is twice as bright as both of the above, I think. Its beam is similar to the regular white.
For getting around the house, I find the brightness of either regular Infinity to be fine, and I love the long runtime. For an emergency light in a car, I'd want something brighter, like the Ultra or brighter (e.g. Opalec Newbeam).