BOG Q5 vs. Surefire P60L


Oct 16, 2007
Battle Royale: My first review.

Test will be minimal, just comparing beamshots (outdoors if demanded). I have a new Surefire 6PL and recently ordered the BOG Q5 'super premium' whatever.

Item ordered on Tuesday, December 11th. Item arrived on Monday, December 17th. Item shipped USPS priority mail. Came packaged as:


Close up of the module itself, has a very deep MOP reflector with a Q5 nicely centered.


Side view of the module: The drop-in is pretty hefty, and when I picked it up it was cold (definitely a good sign for heat-sinking ability). Very nice build quality.


Side by side with the Surefire P60L, view down the reflector. You can see the P4 (?) nicely centered in the P60L with MOP reflector. A very nice, shallow reflector.


Side by side of BOG Q5 with the Surefire P60L lamp module. Note the length of the BOG Q5: This is all reflector, up until the brass backing where the MCB is housed. The Surefire has a nice ceramic backing and springs for shock absorption, which are not located on the BOG Q5.


Anyhow, that's the comparison of the modules for now: I'll get some beamshots against white walls when the sun makes its trip around our earth.

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Reserved for beam shots.

So here we go.

Distance to the white wall (I lied, it's more beige...) is 42 inches. Lights were held in a mount with the camera tripod.

First set of images taken at 1/25 second exposure, F stop of 4.5, digital camera rated 'ISO 100':

First off: Control shot (hey this is science, right?)


I suppose it's dark in there.

Second shot: Surefire P60L


Notice how the entire frame is illuminated by light, as the corona goes from concentrated to diffuse in a nearly perfect manner. Well designed reflector Surefire!

Second shot: BOG Q5 Premium


Yeah, this is one bright drop-in. Like others have said, it's a practical mini-spotlight. Note the nice tight corona and the spill is minimal at this short distance. With the Surefire, the spill of the beam continues past the frame - the BOG Q5 concentrates this beam with the deeper reflector and with the higher driven Q5 emitter. Nice.

How about showing more differences in the beams?

Ok... here we go. F-stop remains the same at 4.5, while exposure is now 1/350th of a second.

Surefire P60L:


BOG Q5 Premium:


So, for nice spill and even room light: The P60L is adequate. If you want uber throw and a nice, tight corona, go for the BOG Q5. You honestly will not be disappointed. I'll do outdoor beamshots tomorrow I think. The BOG Q5 is nice and white, while the P60L has a hint of blue hue to it (wasn't really picked up in the photos.)

Update: Quasi-practical shots:

Aperture 2.8, shutter 0.4 seconds, ISO 100.

First up: Surefire P60L


Note how all of the room is illuminated to some degree. The spot isn't too hot to identify objects.

Next up: BOG Q5


Clearly defined area of spill and very hot (and tight) corona.

I'd probably rather use the P60L for indoors and reserve the BOG Q5 for outdoors.
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Good stuff, looking forward to the beamshots :thumbsup:.
Having tried both, I can say there is no competition for the brightness and throw of the BOG module. The higher drive level and deeper reflector of the BOG module should make this fairly obvious.

One word of warning, be careful. Without the spring on the BOG module, the batteries are under a bit more pressure. I actually had the bottom plate of an AW cell get dented in a 6P body with a clickie tailcap. Seemed dangerous, I got rid of the cell. :ohgeez:
Having tried both, I can say there is no competition for the brightness and throw of the BOG module. The higher drive level and deeper reflector of the BOG module should make this fairly obvious.

True, but I figured since no one has posted pictures of the comparison between these two, it'd be helpful for those on the fence. :naughty:
I received my BOG Q5 drop-in today. I had a P60L, but sold it a couple days ago; the BOG module is MUCH brighter and throws considerably farther than the P60L...

I'm really looking forward to your comparative beam-shots, Mercaptan!

I received my BOG Q5 drop-in today. I had a P60L, but sold it a couple days ago; the BOG module is MUCH brighter and throws considerably farther than the P60L...

I'm really looking forward to your comparative beam-shots, Mercaptan!


There are the infamous white wall tests.

I hope this serves well for a first time review.

I also have both and there is really no comparison between the two as far as throw and pure lumen output.

But the idea is great for comparing the two so everyone can see the difference between what you get stock with a Surefire G2L & 6PL and the upgrade option.

I personally prefer the stock G2L right now, it gives you just the right amount of light you need from room clearing to reading maps and so on.
I also have both and there is really no comparison between the two as far as throw and pure lumen output.

But the idea is great for comparing the two so everyone can see the difference between what you get stock with a Surefire G2L & 6PL and the upgrade option.

I personally prefer the stock G2L right now, it gives you just the right amount of light you need from room clearing to reading maps and so on.

Yeah, maybe I'll go and do a 'total room illumination' test. P60L wins hand-down in this category.
Thanks for the review and the pics. Thats what makes this place so great. I was tempted to buy a G2L or a 6PL. No longer. If I still had a 2 cell SF light, the BOG drop in would definitely be in it and I am sure I would be very happy. As for now, I will just put my T1 on low and pretend it is a 6PL (if I get tempted to buy one for nostalgia sake) and still have the cash in my pocket. Thanks again!
Now, I'd really like to see how the BOG Q5 compares to the Malkoff M60 Q5... :popcorn:

Me too. A bit off topic, but does anyone know if the Malkoff comes with an optic or a reflector?

It's got the same Cree collimater as the last version of his Q4 M60.

Thanks for the info!!!

Has anyone posted a runtime chart for a BOG Q5? I couldn't seem to find one.

Thanks for the info!!!

Has anyone posted a runtime chart for a BOG Q5? I couldn't seem to find one.


Not sure about runtime plot. We could start by knowing the mA's to led rating of the Q5, and go from there, depending on the voltage, and mAh of a the batteries. Knowing the / vf and forward current to led we can sort of figure out what is being drawn from the batteries. This assuming the circuit of the BOG Q5 LA has a fairly efficient buck driver. Better that someone posts the current, measured at tailcap, from say a 3 celled Surefire with fresh batteries, could be 3 CR123's or two 17670's.

If there's a relatively easy way to measure output (e.g. setup a camera taking pictures every 4 minutes and compare the relative intensities) then I could definitely try this.

Does anyone have other suggestions?
You could use the camera, or a light meter and measure lux overtime, or use a light meter, bounce light off of the ceiling in a fairly enclosed room and take lux readings over time. Might be difficult to observe the output drop off accurately using camera pics. Light meters can be had at a reasonable price, and along with a DMM should be the basic tools of a flashaholic.

I am not sure what a P60L is. I have a large collection of surefire lights I use every night on the Railroad when no stage work is available. I am amazed at the knowledge you guys have with these lights. All I know from using them for many years is some lights are brite. Some are Damm brite and a few are over the top brite. I was looking to see if I had a P60L but did not find one yet though my buddy ED jr insists I have a few of them...