Brightest <$15 thrower I can get on Amazon tonight?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 19, 2021
Hi, I'm in the middle of nowhere without any decent light to find a BAT in an outdoor garage that is freaking me out :candle:

All I have with me is a cheap maybe 40 lumen AAA mini light and my cell phone. Sigh.

After digging through Amazon fake reviews for over an hour I thought one of you might just know the answer.

I just want bright and cheap. I don't care about looks, durability, tacticalness, or anything else but bright throw. I just want to get it from Amazon because they deliver where I am.

I want to try to spot the evil demon inside the garage from as far away outside as possible.

No I don't want to spend "a little more" I want cheap, less than $15 please?
I forgot to add it needs to be 18650, those are the only batteries I have right now.

Also if anyone knows of a bat repeller that actually works I'd love a suggestion.:eek:oo::eek:oo:
Don't know whether or not an 18650 will fit in it, but the coleman battery guard 200 meter 325 luman 3aaa should fit your price point and it throws well. It uses the 3aaa holder and comes with batteries. It can ordered from various websites or gotten at walmart. I have one and am impressed. I know it isn't quite what you asked for, but no one else bit, so I did.
The problem is your price range is too low to get a quality brand light you are going to end up with cheap generic lights on Amazon because lights tend to cost more there sometimes. For $18 plus shipping? ($2.99) you can get a Sofirn SP32A V2.0 light on their website it is an excellent light I have one and highly recommend it but you won't get it for about 2-3 weeks if you buy the same light on Amazon it is $30.
I agree bykfixer and Burgess :popcorn:. So sofirn is still priced less than others- it's just that ol amazon.
You could pick up a Wuben C3, they're currently on sale if you've got prime for a little over $20.

Alternatively you can contact Sofirn on social media for a discount code and order it from Amazon with your code.
