Brinkmann Maxfire LX/CREE Drop-in + rechargables?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2007
Tucson, AZ
I finally put this combination together myself and I am very pleased with the results (Sooooooo much better than the stock incan bulb). It's very bright, second only to my Ultrastinger but so compact I keep it in my motorcycle tankbag. So far I have not had any issue with overheating or anything like that.

The only question I have now is what rechargeable Li-Ion's to use in this?



Pluses/Minus's to either? Fitting issues? Safety issues?

Your advice will be appreciated.
I managed to fit AW 17670 in it, which was almost snugg. There was a post somewhere where there were instructions to remove the internal metal sheet tubing.

also, AW's 3.7v rcr123 fit fine.
what type of rechargeable to use is heavily dependent on what drop-in module you are using...

some operate best in certain voltage ranges... while many are compatible with 2xCR123 (6V source) they are often not going to be fully regulated when you run a 1x18650 or 1x17670 because the don't have any boost circuitry... In that case you would want possibly use 2x3.7V RCR123s from someone like AW, provided that the board is rated to handle "9V" inputs... Some boards work well on 1xli-ion cell and will stay in regulation for MOST of the run... in which case the use of a single 17670 or single 18650 is suggested as it will have more overall watt-hours.... A 17670 is tight... to fit an 18650 you need to remove material from the inside of the tube, and replace the metal sleeve with a custom (thinner) copper sleeve.. It can be a lot of work if you don't have the equipment, but well worth it IMO.

In either case, don't buy ultrafire cells, get some decent cells from AW (check CPF marketplace) as his cells have a much better track record.... UF cells are really problematic.
I got this one, it says the recommended voltage range is 3V-18V.

I was thinking of getting that one for my Brinkmann for awhile now to try it out. Does it still come with an old P4 Cree though? I was not at all impressed with the output of the P4 that was in my early Fenix L2D.

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