Brinkmann Maxfire - So now what?


Jan 19, 2008
Okay, so after doing a search and coming up empty, I had to start this new thread. I wanted to convert my Maxfire LX to an LED but I have no clue where to start. I know from a previous thread of mine that I would need a P60 drop-in. After reading all the threads I could, I noticed that most of the P60's left space between the body and head. Is there any P60's that would sit flush without any modifications? Do all the P60's in the P60 sticky come with bulbs, or are they only housings? Which would you guys recommend? I'm looking somewhere in the $10-$20 range if at all possible.

Sorry for being such a noob and asking so many questions, but any help and opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

So do the reflector and bulb get replaced with these P60 drop-ins?

All of the dropins in the sticky come with the LED and regulator board installed. Beyond making sure that the dropin you want can take at least 8.4V if you're using rechargeables, there are lots of options. I personally like one mode, but that's just me.
A P60 module includes the reflector and bulb if incan, or LED + driver if LED.

I'm not sure if any of them sit flush in the Maxfire. There are probably a few. Check this thread(yes it is long, maybe a search?)
There is a metal liner inside the Maxfire body to conduct electricity. If you slide it out, and trim a bit off the end, the head and body will sit flush. Check your specific P60 module first though, to see how much needs trimmed.
So after doing some research, I've come to the decision to buy this drop-in based on the reviews and price. Anyone had any first hand experience with this particular model? Is there any other options I should look at which cost around $10-$12? If so, please post a link because I'm anxious to buy one.
I put the 1343 in my brothers Maxfire. I took off the outer spring and it fits and works fine. It is brighter than the incand bulb and the batteries last longer. There is a slight dark ring around the hot spot, but not bad. I had aready taken the rubber sleeve off the body and off the head so that the flashlight was a little less in diameter and so that it would slide into and out of a pocket much easier. I covered the plastic ribs on the head, under the rubber sleeve, with black electrical tape. Wth the rubber sleeve off the head you will not notice any gap. For $10 you will have a much better flashlight. Six volt incands. are dead. Long live the LED.
I have this one in my Maxfire and am pretty happy with it. It is very bright and fits flawlessly in the Maxfire (no gap, etc.). It may not be the most efficient drop-in on the market, but I'm pretty happy with it.
Do what I did. Get a DX Cree Module #1343 to replace the incan bulb and power it with one of AW's 17670 rechargeable li-ion batteries. You'll get well over 2 hours of perfectly regulated, non-dimming, ~70 lumens of light out the front. The cell will fit in the tube with no modifications needed, same with the Cree dropin.

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