Brinkmann Q-Beam Max Million II


Newly Enlightened
Oct 27, 2001
My father in law had one of these at Christmas. Its cordless and says it puts out 2 million CP. I liked it and have found one locally for 40 bucks. Any comments on this light? Any lights like it better or cheaper? Thanks Forgot to mention that this is the cordless model. I can't find any info on the Brinkmann website for this particular model.
A better light than the Brinkmann 2MCP might be the Vector 3MCP. Although it's not as focused as the Brinkmann, it's light output is more, and its spill light is more useful than other lights. It retails for around $40-$50...
This was featured on an end-cap at Wal-Mart for $30 so I bought it on a whim on Saturday . . . . Wow!! What fun! Now it is certainly not pocketable, lightweight, dainty, or elegant, but man can it pump out the light -- 2 million candlepower's worth! And frankly, the quality is good -- way better than I expected. We were playing amateur searchlight last night and having a ball. It is such a good value, I recommend you buy one if only for the novelty.


Anyone else around here enjoying one?


I had one of those,,, it lasted about a month,,, could not figure out what happened. Battery was showing a charge, bulb was good, and the switch tested good, but it wouldnt turn back on. I now have the 2 million CP version for my truck, it plugs into the cig lighter.

Yep, they are BRIGHT !!!!!!!! Nothing really compares to it at all. Although... how many CP is the MaxaBeam? ( i think thats the name)
jtice said:
I had one of those,,, it lasted about a month,,, could not figure out what happened. Battery was showing a charge, bulb was good, and the switch tested good, but it wouldnt turn back on. I now have the 2 million CP version for my truck, it plugs into the cig lighter.

Yep, they are BRIGHT !!!!!!!! Nothing really compares to it at all. Although... how many CP is the MaxaBeam? ( i think thats the name)

[/ QUOTE ]

You guys are lucky. I'm a city boy and one blast from one of those would have uniformed folks peering curiously in my direction.


LOLOLOLOL,,,, dont get me wrong,,, I didnt say it didnt **** alot of people of in my neighborhood the night I got it. LOLOLOL

I use it mainly when I'm offroading.
Jtice, the Maxabeam is 6MCP... And I believe it's pretty close to being REAL 6Million, if not more...

The X990 is 7MCP...

But the MB will throw a whole lot farther. As far as light output, the X990 definately beats out the MB, by more than 50% the amount of lumens...

(1800 rated for the MB, 3200 rated for the X990)

Both of these lights would basically slaughter the Brinkmann...
WOW !!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif ^MCP? Thats AWSOME!

I cant even imagine that,,, actually,,, the one I have for my truck, it a 1MCP Brinkmann Q-Beam, my old rechargable was 2MCP I think.

I have always thought the MaxaBeam was "The Mother Light" ever sence I started to see it in movies like Jarasic Park. What is the going price for one of those? And what is its runtime? ( not that I'm going to be able to aford one ever ) but I just have to know. LOL
Going price for one, if you bought it new, is $1800 for the basic package (light, slow charger) and $3000 for the Delux package (the works, plus the case)...

Runtime's about 1 hour....
Hmm. Seems like 100 Brinkmanns (200 million candlepower /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif ) would be a wee bit brighter than the equivalently priced Maxabeam. Somewhat harder to carry, though. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/yellowlaugh.gif

In all seriousness, if it takes $3,000 to "slaughter" the $30 Brinkmann, then I think that testifies to its quality, not its lack thereof.

My $.02

Dave /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Actually, in those regards, the Vector 3MCP is your best "slaughter" of the Brinkmann that won't hit you back more than $100...

Whereas you may be able to get the Brinkmann to shine its beam up to 300-400 feet away, there's absolutely no comparison between it and the larger HID-based lights...

Spotlights serve the purpose of a large quantity of light with medium to good throwing range... They are not searchlights like the MB is...
Halogen Spotlights are for people who need brightness for a short time, and don't use it on a daily basis. The various HID Searchlights are for $eriou$ Profe$$ional$ who need high-performance lighting. (or for the CFP weirdo's who suddenly get $1000, and can't decide if they want a dozen cool lights, or one AWESOME light.)
The various HID Searchlights are for $eriou$ Profe$$ional$ who need high-performance lighting. (or for the CFP weirdo's who suddenly get $1000, and can't decide if they want a dozen cool lights, or one AWESOME light.)


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