Bugs in my shower


Oct 31, 2006
Borg cube #51
How come bugs don't get knocked down by raindrops or showers?

I turned on the light in my power-shower this morning, and for some reason (humidity or whatever) there were a lot of small bugs flying around in there. They weren't tough or fast-dodging flyers, just weedy, aimless-looking things drifting around. When I switched on the shower, I would have expected them to be flattened by the force of the water, but I watched them for a few minutes - they seemed to be able to fly straight through. It's a strong shower, too.

I've seen the same thing in heavy rain. Bugs don't seem affected. Scaled up, a single raindrop for a small bug would be like a barrel of water hitting a human – we'd be knocked flat.

Does anyone know why don't seem affected?

I've seen slow motion video of a fly getting flattened by a raindrop so they still get hit

maybe the tiny weedy bugs are so light they dont break through the skin of the droplets and bounce off?

that sounds like a good enough excuse for me

catch some different size bugs and have a shower with them :whistle:
see what happens :D
Bugs need to wash, too, you know :eek:

I've no idea why they weren't bothered. But then I always expect clouds of midges to be put off by a sudden downpour of rain, yet they always manage to stick around and feast on me.

Assuming screening them out isn't an option, I suggest a 2.5 gallon wet/dry vac. If you can handle the noise first thing in the morning, 20 seconds should have them all contained, regardless of how water resistant they are.
something tells me your drain reservoir might have been a culprit

I've found bugs in my shower before....flyers, and my shower stall has no windows. I threw some chunks of soap in the reservoir and its fine now.

as for the toad in my toilet on that Monday morning...:ohgeez:
The insects are probably flying around the streams of water. In a shower, the water comes out in predictable streams-- insects are very good at sensing dangerous obstacles, such as fast-moving streams of water, and avoiding them.
May just depend on the surface are of the insect in relation to the water droplet size,I know that I often and inadvertently knock down Mosquito Hawks in the shower but they have a large surface with all of their legs outspread. Some smaller insects may just be pushed out of the way by the force generated by the water droplet much like how trash gets pushed around on the freeway as cars pass by at high speed.:shrug: I dunno, but interesting ideas to think about.
If the bugs are smaller than the water droplet I think they may be pushed aside from the AIR being moved or disturbed by the droplet. Then again I could be totally out in left field. :tinfoil:
They can probably dodge the water droplets. Given the tiny size of insects, they can probably react in microseconds to stimuli compared to milliseconds for larger animals. I've often wondered if the sensation of time is longer for an insect, meaning if it only lives a season it might be like a century seems to us.
C'mon, we know you are secretly using lights in the shower and they are jealous. That's how you get to be a moderator right? :poke:
That's the scariest thing I've ever heard!

Do you have a stock of old Germanium transistors? They're a chip-weevil breeding ground.

the spammers that if banned must of bred them to exact revenge on him! Thank god they don't infest incans... Yet. Vaporise them with multible M6 modsnow.
Thank god they don't infest incans... Yet.
Hate to be the one to break the bad news but I found a box of old incans crawling with chip weevils. :eek: Looks like they've mutated. And the tungsten in their new diet seems to make them even more resistant. Now no light source is safe from this dreaded scourge. :eek:oo:

Let's hope science will find a cure. :sigh:
Could they be nats?

My parents and my fiances grandparents house has become a shelter for them. I've killed too many. I'm going to have nightmares.

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