Burning purples


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2006
Alright, so... good ol' Sharp should have the GH04P21A2G out by now, right? With it's 'achieved' power output of 210mW! So... this would probably have to be very controlled and possibly only on short bursts (pulse).

Imagine the carnage that can be done with such power in the violet-blue range! :rock:

Too bad I haven't found them for sale anywhere, and if they are to go on sale, I don't know how much they would cost at this moment! :awman:

I have the PS3 module... but something tells me this is a little more... u no... :whistle:

If anyone finds it, or wants to venture off and make a massive buy and offer them for sale, please let us know.


I am dying to get a blu-ray diode ! I love the color, and cannot wait till they drop in price a little bit more....I know $80.00 is not bad, but when the budget crisis hits my hobby fund like it has - it is tough to validate it at this point !
well... I'll post pictures soon then of my findings... :)

I seem to have stumbled upon some manufacturers that sell all kinds of 405nm diodes all the way up to 185mW CW. I sent in a few requests and asked about availability, dont know if anyone would be willing to get in on a group buy... especially if we get a good deal on them...

Umm, you can count me IN! on a group buy of 185mW violet diodes.

For clarification, that word is IN. Hell, I might be the only guy you need to do a group buy :D
hehe... I haven't gotten any responses yet, it might take a week or so. Once I do get the reply, and if the price is acceptable, and there are enough people willing to buy it, I'll PM the mods to help with the process.
I'm interested, but I've got a very tight budget right now, so unless the price is very low, I wont be joining in... (atleast this time 'round I got my multimeter working so I know I wont blow the diode! (made that mistake on my first red DVD diode *d'oh!*))
Still no replies yet, but I'm sure I'll be getting the datasheet before anything. If I get a hold of it, I'll post it up on my site and make it available for you guys.

While I'd love some, I have a feeling this is going to be just like most of the other diode GB, where the supplier wants 2-5x what the value of a end product could be purchased for that contains the diode.
Well, I for one could ALWAYS use more optics...and I knew this was a hellishly expensive hobby to get into :ohgeez: I just gotta keep focused and not take out another mortgage to pay for all this stuff ! :naughty: (Kidding !)
Take a look at this thread. :popcorn: toyman

item of interest 400mw 405nm diode
Oh yeah - I think I emailed them too once upon a time ! They are extremely proud of their modules - to a point ! That is what can kill hobbyists - extreme pricing, and then you have to scrap something useful just to get a few tiny parts outta it that you want. Wicked Lasers even has on their website, under the "Sonar" description that they scrap blu-ray devices to get the diodes to make that laser - then charge TWO THOUSAND dollars for it ! OUCH ! Yeah, so anywho....I will have to wait and buy a sled or two next time they show up on the bay !
Ok, so here's the thought process:

The previous thread says this

----IQ1H Laser Diode Module (round beam)----
Part Number- IQ1H400(LD1772)
Description- Instrument Quality Laser features precision current source, PID temperature
control loop, and beam modulation from CW to 100MHz. Output Power- <320mW
Price- $9416.00
Delivery- 3-4 weeks ARO
Warranty- 1 Year

----IQ1H Laser Diode Module (elliptical beam)----
Part Number- IQ1H400(LD1763)
Description- Instrument Quality Laser features precision current source, PID temperature
control loop, and beam modulation from CW to 100MHz. Output Power- <360mW
Price- $7490.00
Delivery- 3-4 weeks ARO
Warranty- 1 Year

Now, the reason I'm not even looking into something in that output range is because it is still pretty much impossible. The production of the 405nm diodes is not expensive, but, for the time being atleast, supply << demand!!

So, I, for one, will not be paying the price of a car for a laser, not now, and not in 50 years, unless it's a toy car and is ~$300 then maybe. Also note that the above thread is 3 months old.

These diodes are promising, they have 2 different lines of diodes. One extends all the way into the 185mW, the other only up to 60mW. I wouldn't mind buying a CW 60mW violet for a reasonable price, it's exciting enough. Also, given the fact that one can buy a BD burner at much more reasonable prices now, the prices of the diodes have got to drop. Also, the 210mW diode for the 6x burner should be out soon, and prices will start to reflect the drop very quickly.

Logically speaking, an item such as
should have one of the reasonably powered diodes in there. Total price is ~$530.
