c sized li-ion cells ?


Mar 11, 2007
new york city
can i get a li-ion c size battery ? i so from where ? what are the battery dimensions ? as i know the AA are 14500 ,,,,what would the c sized cells be ? thanks
Check AW's thread in the Dealer's Corner for information on his C-sized Li-Ion cells. IIRC, they are a bit longer than normal C's and you need to get a small extender to fit them correctly.
Vic, please try using the search function before posting a new thread. This is the second post I've seen from you about questions that have been beat dead many times.
If I'm not wrong, AW has D cell Li-ion in the works too. I'm not sure when he expects to be releasing them though. Can't remember the exact specs of the C cells, 3.7AH? I'm pretty sure the tentative spec he gave on Ds was 5AH :naughty: If you're going to be using a D-cell light anyway...
xiorcal said:
If I'm not wrong, AW has D cell Li-ion in the works too. I'm not sure when he expects to be releasing them though. Can't remember the exact specs of the C cells, 3.7AH? I'm pretty sure the tentative spec he gave on Ds was 5AH :naughty: If you're going to be using a D-cell light anyway...

That is gonna require a serious Amp charger...and I would only be charging these C & D's up to 4.1V

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