Can a Malkoff MD4 Fit Orbtronic 3600mAh Cells...?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2007
Hudson Valley
Before splurging on a pair of Orbtronic (Panasonic) protected 3600mAh cells,
inquiring minds would like to know if a Malkoff MD4 tube will fit them.

Anybody try yet?
They're sold out of the 3600s and have been since their small, initial batch, sold out.

You should be looking at the shorter EagleTac 3400s, if you're worried.

Roger that on being sold out.

The question remains.

I have waited years to acquire products; I don't mind waiting until they come back in stock.

1) Does anyone who owns a Malkoff MD4 tube and Orbtronic 3600mAh cells know if they fit?

2) If I cannot purchase them from Orbtronic by December I may look into getting the smaller capacity cells.

Thanks, guys!
Roger that on being sold out.

The question remains.

I have waited years to acquire products; I don't mind waiting until they come back in stock.

1) Does anyone who owns a Malkoff MD4 tube and Orbtronic 3600mAh cells know if they fit?

2) If I cannot purchase them from Orbtronic by December I may look into getting the smaller capacity cells.

Thanks, guys!

Evidently Panasonic released a small batch of 3600s to people in the business, kind of like 'dealer samples.' Not many people got them in the overall scheme of things and the chances of people who did get them, having an MD4 AND reading your post here on an obscure 'flashlight' forum, asking about whether they fit, is a long shot.

Do you have any 18650s that fit in your MD4, so you could measure and let us know what that measurement is and maybe somebody comes along, who has a 3600 Orbtronic cell, but not the Malkoff and he can measure his cell, so you can then compare notes?

Might have a better chance that way and personally, if you're not using your light because you don't have the 3600s, or are waiting for them, that would be a shame, as there is really little practical difference between the available 3400s and the 3600s.

You probably won't notice the difference at all, unless you're carrying around a nice stopwatch and timing things to the Nth degree.

I cannot fit Panasonic NCR18650B 3400 mAh Protected cells inside my MD4. But I can fit very easily the NCR18650B 3400 mAh Unprotected cells. The extra wrap for the protection circuit is all that it takes to make the cell to wide to fit inside. It is not the length that is the issue, but the diameter.
I cannot fit Panasonic NCR18650B 3400 mAh Protected cells inside my MD4. But I can fit very easily the NCR18650B 3400 mAh Unprotected cells. The extra wrap for the protection circuit is all that it takes to make the cell to wide to fit inside. It is not the length that is the issue, but the diameter.

Well, there you go?

What brand of protected 'Bs' are you using?

Genuine Panasonic cells. Green lableled. I think it was either Fasttech or Bangood that did the protection circuits. Clear wrap over the whole cell.
Genuine Panasonic cells. Green lableled. I think it was either Fasttech or Bangood that did the protection circuits. Clear wrap over the whole cell.

FastTechs are one of the longer/wider protected 3400s and have caused some problems for people here.

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Thanks for the replies, gentlemen.

Can someone confirm whether protected Eagletac 3400mAh cells fit without issue?

I do not run unprotected LiCo cells in series. :poof:
Orbtronic 18650 3400mAh cells do not fit in my MD4 body while AW 3400mAh cells do. I had to bore my MD4 (and MD2s) to fit them.
It's the one extra wrap layer that does it. These companies leave on the original light green Panasonic wrap on them then add the protection circuit and button top and re-wrap it. They are just a smidgen to big.
I ordered three Eagletac 3400mAh cells today...hopefully they will fit the MD4.

I am pretty excited to test my Wildcat XP-G2 neutral in the spring woods!
All three of my new Eagletac 3400mAh cells fit easily.

Not "drop right in and fall directly to the bottom" but slide in smoothly and slowly to the top of the tube.

I do wish the Wildcat v4 was about 30 lumens brighter on low.

On high...:faint:...