Can AA minimags self start?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2008
Brentwood, CA Not LA
So im watching the live event of Ghost Hunters. There is a specific scene where they use a mini mag. The girl sets the mini mag on a counter. Asks the ghost to turn it on and it turns on.

Then it doesnt turn off when she asks. So she helps the ghost and shuts it off. However when she does she doesnt just shut it off completely. You can see she is "dialing" in the bezel. She sets it right at the point where it turns on or off. So just the slightest twist and it will turn on or off.

Can mini mags auto start if they are set right? I think it is possible. But I dont have a AA minimag to test it.
None of mine have started up on their own.

Don't believe everything you see either, they might have rigged it.

God help some of us, if entire collections fired up. Especially those with HIDs or other flame inducing lights.
if you put a minimag on the verge of being on by twisting it on/off it is quite possible you could get one off such that a slight bump would turn it on. A bump that would not be noticed by a camera.
if you put a minimag on the verge of being on by twisting it on/off it is quite possible you could get one off such that a slight bump would turn it on. A bump that would not be noticed by a camera.

Yeah that was my thought. Other issues with the show, one time the light turned off, the camera was framed just so that the light was off camera. Convenient?

Im not saying I believe the show. FAR FROM IT, I think they are milking the twisty feature. If the light is set right at the cusp of activating. Just a slight movement or just waiting for the light to settle could set it off.
if you put a minimag on the verge of being on by twisting it on/off it is quite possible you could get one off such that a slight bump would turn it on. A bump that would not be noticed by a camera.

I have put mine at the point where it will flicker on and off, go off, come on, etc. I don't think its what they really want it to be. However my wife wants to try it as the previous owner of our house had a wife pass away in our house! :duh2:
with remote controls, one could remove one battery and put in a higher voltage smaller battery and remote electronics, a receiver led and have a remote controlled mag light. You could also put a pickup coil inside the light and a trasmit coil under the table and push a magnetic field into the coils to light it up that way.