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Sold/Expired *CANCELLED* Would anyone be interested in this light? *PRICE CHANGE*


Dec 17, 2009
Hey guys..... REALLY bad news. This *sales* thread is over..... Personal emergency.....:(. I'm really sorry guys. Maybe in a YEAR OR TWO. It's just that serious. Sorry again dudes. :(

Hey guys! I have new prices ready for you guys. Take a look:

1.2A 3 mode, Hi-Med-Strobe, $65 including Priority Mail and PP fees.
1.4A 3 mode, Lo-Med-Hi, $74 including Priority Mail and PP fees.

PP preferred!!

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a DX light. I will be swapping drivers too. This:


You will have two emitter options:

1.) Cree XPG R5 L1-1C0
2.) Cree MC-E A2. Coolwhite or Warm on request. WC/WG tint


(On max mode)

R5: 400 lumens
MC-E: 380 Lumens

There will be 3 modes. Hi-Med-Strobe

The cost for the R5 will be ~ $65-$80
The cost for the MC-E will be ~ $65-$85

Please let me know if your at least INTERESTED. I will add you to the list. Thanks everyone. Question? Shoot me a PM!! I'll be glad to answer any questions. :)
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Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?


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Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Not to be rude (really :) ) but you haven't given any reason why someone would buy this light.

It's a DX light that sells for $22 (and is currently not in stock or even really available) and you are going to put a XP-G in there.

People can get Quarks with whatever configuration for less than the $80-$85 that you are charging and this is from someone who was posting asking questions about how to modify lights only a month or two ago.

If you really are doing something unique or special that would interest anyone you really should stress that in your post. Otherwise, can you verbalize why anyone would respond to this ad?

Just trying to be helpful (and realistic).
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Your best bet would be to do a couple and sell them, perhaps some positive feedback would get you more interest. At the very least, mod one so you can show some beam shots and such.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

In this section of CPF not many of us are interested in cheapo lights per say.You need a nicer host for 1 with HA-III anno.Also that tail switch is probably gonna fail miserably.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Oh. Ok. Thanks guys. I'll post some pics/beamshots and stuff like that when the parts come. Thanks again.......
need a nicer host
even with the mod - which will "only" affect internal parts - the host itself is crap w. a way too cheap machining and parts quality.

How about using something like "discontinued" / "on sale" (= read: reduced price) Fenix/Quark/... models?
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

sabrewolf does this same mod, same host, on another thread here and has no problem lining up folks to buy them. and he pushes them to make a lot more lumens. So I would not knock the host.

But If I were you, to develop trust in the market here, I'd post pics of you modding some other lights, with beamshots, perhaps a smaller twisty in the 14250/cr2 size or go tiny and mod keychain lights nano sized with xpg's and 10180 or 10280 batts. that get you in a different size category that no one really sells much in quantity in modified form here. that would get you buyers.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

The problem is you can't have an unknown 'moder' show a picture taken by DX of a $22 light and basically say if I drop a XP-G in here with a new driver will you buy it for $85.

That's like saying I know you can get the same thing in a Quark for less money and with better quality but do you want to buy this instead?

How about I'm going to offer a warmer beam with better heatsinking so I can drive the emitter harder and output 450 lumens or whatever. It will have a forward clicky, sapphire lens and a better UI. Not hi, low and strobes.

If the ad for the light makes you laugh rather than want to consider buying it that can't be the right approach.

Consider that if Akoray adds a XP-G R5 option to it's K-10whatever line you would have a $20 programmable light offering more than this ad at $85 (at least without more details).
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Ok thanks. Parts arriving sometime next week......
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Not to be rude (really :) ) but you haven't given any reason why someone would buy this light [...]

As a noob, I was wondering along the same lines, although I'm open to explanations.

In Australia, this baby sells for $42-52 delivered.

Why would I pay twice the price for a lousy few extra lumens with a different emitter?

I know absolutely nothing about modding, but this sort of thing'll maybe give me an idea of what it's all about. Is the OP's mod a realistic one from a purely commercial standpoint? Or from a technical one? Or would it — to an amateur modder — be a wasted purchase?

— Jack. :)
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

As a noob, I was wondering along the same lines, although I'm open to explanations.

In Australia, this baby sells for $42-52 delivered.

Why would I pay twice the price for a lousy few extra lumens with a different emitter?

I know absolutely nothing about modding, but this sort of thing'll maybe give me an idea of what it's all about. Is the OP's mod a realistic one from a purely commercial standpoint? Or from a technical one? Or would it — to an amateur modder — be a wasted purchase?

— Jack. :)

Depending on the driver he plans to use, and the quality of the build, it could certainly be worth the money. Hopefully he will be a bit more specific in the future, as well as show step by step detailed pics of his first light completed. It's all about detailing a solid, clean mod.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

If I have time, parts will be ordered today. :)
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

This might be what's known as a "feeler" thread, which, as I understand it, is not allowed on CPF. In any case, to answer the header question, no, I would not be.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

I see nothing wrong with this thread that would not be within the rules if CPF, it looks like a perfectly legit sales thread to me. He is showing you what you will get (although vaguely), and he names the price.
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Maybe I posted this thread too soon? Maybe I should have posted it when I actually had the light done and modded. Oops... Sorry :ironic:....
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Maybe I posted this thread too soon? Maybe I should have posted it when I actually had the light done and modded. Oops... Sorry :ironic:....

Yes, that probably would have been the better route to take. But I say again, just detail everything during your mod and you should be able to get some interest if the job is done right.....Good luck :thumbsup:
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Ok, I'll take pics and post them when I get started on these :)
Re: Would anyone be interested in this light?

Good news! All the parts have been ordered today!! :party::party:

Hopefully, they'll arrive sometime next week so I can get started next weekend :)