Cars and Flashlights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
I'm sure most people on here drive an automibile of some sort whether it be car, truck, motorcycle, semi truck, whetever....

Do you keep a spare flashlight in your automobile?
If so is there a location it lives in?

I have not had a license for like 8-9 years now and am considering getting it back.
While working on getting the car back in top notch condition, I decided I needed a dedicated flashlight for the car.
I used the good 'ol Uni-bit and made a hole in the plastic A-pillar cover. The other holes were for LEDs for audio equipment.
Now I will always have one at arms reach (as if there won't be at least 1-3 more in my pockets:whistle:)

Anyway, I thought I'd ask what others are doing and if possible post some pics...



9 Years, thats amazing. In most US cities, especially newer western cities, its flat out impossible to function without private transport.

To your question. My favorite is a set of these:

mounted to the left side of the drivers seat, near the carpet. But this only works when the seat it high enough to offer a plate of some kind to mount to. This is usually in trucks (in which the mod looks best anyway).

Then there's Moddoo's latest creation

But sadly for me, the best spot is a locked glove box for all but the cheapest of lights.
I'll admit, I don't have a specific light that I keep in the car. I always have at least one EDC light on me and I have a keychain light as well (SL Microstream). The car can't go anywhere without the keys! :D

How did you manage for 8-9 years without your car?

3D mag w/led drop in and a 2D Husky in the door of my truck. Pelican Mity Lite clipped to the visor and an ROV 1xAA headlamp behind the seat. Nothing over $30 stays in my truck. I live in an area that has a lot of cars broken into. The expensive stuff stays on me or goes back inside the house at night.
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I keep a Smith&Wesson tri color in the center console and have a Brinkman 6volt spotlight on the rear seat floorboard. I also have a big rubber 3D Garrity in the trunk in my bug out bag. I also carry a 12 volt sealed beam and a megaphone. :grin2:
I keep a soft sided insulated bag filled with bottled water in my truck. In the bag are a 6PDL w/BOG Cree drop in and a Streamlight head lamp. The water acts as a heat sink so the lights don't get over 100 degrees F.

I have a Nuwai 3W in the glove box and a 3D Mag stored in the jack compartment.

I used to keep a cheap 3 AAA Dorcy LED light in the glove box until I gave it to my 5 yr old niece to light up her GITD stars on her ceiling at night. Now I have a lightly modded Dorcy Super 1 Watt that I'm thinking of sticking in the glove box.
i have 4d mag with tle 300 under front seat, between the tunnel and seat slide, photon2 on the key. that is it.
  • Surefire L1 Cree with an F04 diffuser and an SC1 of spare cells in the center console (general purpose)
  • Coast Auto LED in the accessory port (map light)
  • Pak-Lite in the glove box (long-running emergency light)
I keep 2 Energizer 2xAA Swivels in my Jeep. One in each door as it's hard to reach over the console to grab a light on the opposite door in a hurry. I also have one of those small aluminum Spotlights that go in the cigarette lighter socket. I use AA Energizer Lithiums in the swivels as they don't get much use and the temperature can get really cold or really hot depending on the season. The swivels have a white Cree LED with a high and a low controlled by one switch and other switch that toggles the green and red LEDs.
now thats cool way to put a flashlight on a car! and no casual onlooker can identify it as a flashlight.. unless they are flashaholics.

best of my recollection.. i have in my car:

4 fauxtons in different locations. (dash, rear hatch, back door, tool box top cover)

glovebox: multimode 1 cr123 ultrafire flashlight, solarforce L2, and uk 4aa incan. (3*cr123s, 4*AAs spares)

passanger headrest: old cheap multi led headlamp. (fauxton is brighter than these 3 leds)

12V search light that can also run from cigarettelighter plug.

trunk tool box: either uk4aa incan or the mag 2d with terralux dropin. (not sure which is there at the moment.)

in future i will refine them a bit:
*i will add probably romisen n3 if i ever get around getting one.
*and/or get an akoray 106 or romisen g2 (single AA light) there too.
*i will get slightly better led headlamp.

will ditch a uk 4aa.

--i think i need to start thinking about somekind of mount for one of my lights now that i saw your idea. maybe get the solarforce into somewhere convinient location.
In my cossie, I have a LED LENSER ciggy lighter one in the lighter socket 24/7, surprisingly useful when pitch black, and if the g/f's astra also a led lenser.
Mainly there in case of breakdown etc, always searched for and never found a useful rechargeable light with amber flasher/torch etc that just charges when inserted into it's bracket.
I do have several flashlights in my car G2 & Pelican 7640 in drivers side door, inova in glove box.
Your post reminded me of what I do at work....wile riding in the truck I hate sitting on my keys which have a Nitcore 10 on them, so i stick the D10 in the cigarette lighter which does a great job of holding them in place.
Surefire G2, spare batts and lamp, driver side door.
All in one of those Surefire hard nylon cases, got it from Sgt.LED :)
Between the seat & center console is 3C MAG with Malkoff drop in (& stainless bezel & glass breaker tip & Mag ring with lanyard)

Glove box - Pelican Super Sabre light (3C)

Trunk - 9P with Malkoff M60 & s extra sets of batteries
Trunk - G2 with M60LL

Trunk also has lots of C duracells.
I have a MTE P7 on the door.
Only because Li-ion last longer left alone then nimh. I used to have there a NDI and with nimh it would have not much light and with liion it seems like it "eats" more voltage then the MTE.. strange.
The car is the place for serious, full-size, torches and lanterns.

This is the realm of F cells, 100-hour runtime, sealed beams, HIDs and floating torches.