CCW Permits


Aug 31, 2004
The Big Valley, Calif. USA
Thanks for the replies guys. OFF Tpoic but since I know there is some LEO's on here I wanted to know what is the oldest you can be to become a LEO? I am Elderly now 32. Is that too old? Thanks again

35 used to be the age limit in California but there is none anymore. Federal antidiscrimination laws took care of that. A few years ago my agency swore in a new Deputy who was 60.


Mar 3, 2005
Nashville, TN
Maybe I should clarify, I wouldn't scream "I'VE GOT A GUN!!!!!!!"

I would simply politely inform the officer that I have a carry permit and I am either currently carrying or not. Let them drive from there.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
State specific -- in Texas you must provide your permit when asked for drivers license or i.d. IF you're carrying. If your're not armed, technically your don't have to present your CHL card. It would seem most prudent that you tell the LEO "I hold a CHL, but I'm not armed at this time".

If the officer does check your license, etc, they will be informed that you do possess a CHL. (10-44, I think). Would seem to be better to inform the officer up front than for him to have to ask.

I think saying "I've got a gun!!" would be a good indicator of your I.Q. score.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
Maybe I should clarify, I wouldn't scream "I'VE GOT A GUN!!!!!!!"

I would simply politely inform the officer that I have a carry permit and I am either currently carrying or not. Let them drive from there.

i didn't think you would. i just think its funny how the laws in some states have made it. cop walks up, and you tell them you got a gun, what is the world comming to. of course you have a gun, this is america. whats next?
umm hello, nice day to you, i have a knife and a crenulated bezel and a tire iron, prescription drugs in the glove box, and plastic utinsels there in that KFC box :) i keep a very pointy pencil there in my front pocket, and a dog in the back seat, dont be alarmed.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 2, 2004
Some LEOs are quick on the trigger. We had one shooting many years ago where one of our uniformed guys spotted the holstered gun on our undercover while arresting him and the criminals he was with and lit him up--shooting him multiple times without a word spoken.

The undercover survived and made it back to duty status, where he became my training supervisor.

Letting an officer know that he/she may see a gun may prevent an unfortunate situation.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2004
South Texas
I spent a number of years as a LEO -- military and civilian. I would greatly appreciate a citizen informing me that he/she had a CHL and was or wasn't armed. If a person has a CHL, they're verified to be lawabiding and responsible.

Any LEO seeing evidence of a firearm on or around a person at anytime will become very, very serious. Better to head that off and start off with an open, honest and helpful attitude.


Aug 14, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
I don't know how it is in all of your guys states but here in Nevada, Las Vegas being my city it is a bit different form what some of you have posted.

In Nevada when an officer pulls you over it will show up that you do have a CCW when he runs you threw scope, you being your vehicle and/or person. It will also show what weapons you are authorized to carry.

Also, in Nevada some say you do and some say you do not need to tell the officer you have a weapon, and some say you have to, now most of my friends are all LEO's with LVMPD and from speaking to them they will tell you the following:

1. You should always tell an officer you have you weapon on you. He already knows from running your plate.
2. If you do have your weapon and are asked if you do and you lie to the officer, you can and will be taken to jail.

I have been pulled over once with my weapon on board and I kept my hands on the sterring wheel, turned on the dome light and rolled down my window. Officer said good evening, I told him I have my weapon, blue card, I.D. and CCW permit on me. He said that is fine and asked me for my I.D. and said he would be right back.

He came back no lees than two minutes later and said have a good night, no ticket.

Having a CCW really makes you think about your roll and responsibilty in everyday life. You have to be mature and have to understand simple laws, and when you can and cannot carry. It is simple rules to live by and you find that when carrying you try to de-escilate situations more than you ever would.

To the OP, I'm not trying to be harsh here, but if you question and or are scared of being pulled over by the police, I do not think you should get a permit. If the police pulling you over causes fear how would you handle your self if you ever did have to pull the trigger?

A lot will changes when bad things happen and your sight picture will be all over the place and you get tunnel vision and time slows down and well you see what im talking about. Being pulled over by the police should not be any concern of your's, pulling the trigger is a bigger worry.

Like I said, I'm not bashing the OP just seeing where your head is :poke:

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Jan 15, 2004
To the OP, I'm not trying to be harsh here, but if you question and or are scared of being pulled over by the police, I do not think you should get a permit. If the police pulling you over causes fear how would you handle your self if you ever did have to pull the trigger?

Wow! The second insightful post. I'm always amazed how people love to volunteer answers to questions not asked.

There's a lesson there, NEVER ANSWER QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT ASKED, EVER! And if you feel a question is inappropriate, feel free to answer appropriately.

LEO "Sir, do you have any drugs or guns in the car?"

perp "I'm sorry Mr. Officer but you'll have to be more specific."

LEO "What do you mean?"

perp "Well, since both of those items are legal, I don't see the relevance of the question."

LEO "Oh, I get your point. Do you have any illegal drugs or illegal guns in your car?"

perp "Ah, that's better. I'm not answering that question."

LEO "What not?"

perp "I'm not answering that one either."

Oh, and to answer the OP's original question. Yes, that's crazy.
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Aug 14, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
Wow! The second insightful post. I'm always amazed how people love to volunteer answers to questions not asked.

Oh, and to answer the OP's original question. Yes, that's crazy.

I beg to differ here Turd_Ferguson, if the op states in his post that he thinks it would be crazy to think that he could get pulled over if they run his plates and find out he has a CCW.

He is in my opinion insinuating about the situation that is wide open to a lot of answers. Crazy=second guessing and second guessing equals fear to a certian level. That is what I base my post on, you should not be amazed that someone would volunteer information that is not asked when it is a wide open thread about a direct issue that needs as much information that anyone of us can give.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 24, 2003
Fayetteville, NC
Well I live in Ohio. It has been a while since I read up on the Laws...

I'm coming out of CPF retirement to post this :grin2:

If you want a CCW, it's your choice and a big decision. I encourage you to get one, but think long and hard if carrying a lethal weapon and possibly using it to use it to kill someone in defense of yourself is something you're willing to do. You will be responsible for every bullet that comes from your gun and bullets don't always do what we ask of them, so be prepared for legal ramifications.

First off, you're going to have to read the laws, get training and practice before even going down to register for one.
Read all about Ohio CCW here --and pay special attention to the big .pdf file with all the updated laws this year.

What Ohio city/county are you located in?

As far as goes, too much drama brought it down. It had plenty of good info, but people have a way of ruining good stuff.

As to personal experience, I've had a CCW for over 8 years and have never once needed to take my pistol out of it's holster for defensive purposes. I've never had an issue with the police because of the CCW.


Jan 15, 2004
I beg to differ here Turd_Ferguson, if the op states in his post that he thinks it would be crazy to think that he could get pulled over if they run his plates and find out he has a CCW.

He is in my opinion insinuating about the situation that is wide open to a lot of answers. Crazy=second guessing and second guessing equals fear to a certian level. That is what I base my post on, you should not be amazed that someone would volunteer information that is not asked when it is a wide open thread about a direct issue that needs as much information that anyone of us can give.


Hey! Thanks for offering an answer to a question I never asked.

The original poster didn't insinuate anything. He did allude to the question, "do cops profile CCW holders?"

The answer to that question not asked is:

It would be crazy for police offers to profile CCW holders. What would be the point? (There's a question for you. This ought to be good).

The question asked, "Is my fear of being profiled for having a CCW crazy." And my answer to that is yes.

Dang, I'm good. I might have to change my name to FIGJAM again.

And of course, the more interesting analysis of the post was the fear of being pulled over and that's why I posted in the first place. Of course, while being quite insightful, it wasn't well received or people just didn't get what I was insinuating (there ya go). And that is, how could you be fearful of being pulled over unless you're guilty of something (especially if you are 100% law abiding, which really just means I've never been caught). That, unfortunately, is a fallacy so to not look stupid, I just insinuated it.
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Aug 14, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
Hey! Thanks for offering an answer to a question I never asked.

The original poster didn't insinuate anything. He did allude to the question, "do cops profile CCW holders?"

The answer to that question not asked is:

It would be crazy for police offers to profile CCW holders. What would be the point? (There's a question for you. This ought to be good).

Well TF, as for your "There's a question for you. This ought to be good." I have never known any LEO to profile any CCW holders. That would be very counter productive, to go after someone who legally can carry a weapon vs. someone who is doing so and does not have a CCW anyone LEO or not would go after the latter. When I was a LEO, I would of never worried to much about a person who can legally carry.

As far as the rest of your post, it is almost all let me, TF, pat myself on the back material and has nothing to with the thread it's self. I'm not going to stray away form the topic at hand to play the "Hey :poke:, I think I'm smarter than you game". The are better places for that on CPF.

Besides that have a good one :wave:........
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Jan 15, 2004
As far as the rest of your post, it is almost all let me, TF, pat myself on the back material and has nothing to with the thread it's self. I'm not going to stray away form the topic at hand to play the "Hey :poke:, I think I'm smarter than you game". The are better places for that on CPF.

Too late!

Here's the correct answer. I have never known any LEO to profile. Ah, only if it were so.

See there's the problem. Maybe there is a reason to fear.

I'm sorry you didn't like my dancing in the end zone. I'm not a fan of it either.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2004
Lost In Space
Here's the correct answer. I have never known any LEO to profile. Ah, only if it were so.


for 15 years or so i MET the profiles , and i got pulled over regularly, for acting no different than others, but looking different to others, so they could see if they were right about me. they were right actually once out of 20+ times, but mostly just herassing and wasting my time. one time they wasted 4 patrols even, geesh for Nothing.

for 23 years after the 15, i QUIT meeting the profiles, AND because all the LEO herassing of profiling (some law changes), i quit getting pulled over, and they are still right, not rarely right :) i dont even know what i would do if they did pull me over now? it was sooo long ago.

it is wise to not meet the profile, they taught me that :)

what is the profile? if i told you that, they would balance things out again, and start pulling me more often , we need you to get out there and keep them busy, i got work to do.

i have even gotten full tear down searches at the canadian border, for "driving while looking funny", in "vehicle that looks suspicious". and at the same time some family porting 50 kilos of cocaine , with a pregnant woman in the front seat, was waved on through that same border. :laughing:

cant tell me that looking funny doesnt get thier attention, gotta blend in with the clone drones.
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Aug 29, 2006
Gatorville, Florida
Thanks for the replies guys. OFF Tpoic but since I know there is some LEO's on here I wanted to know what is the oldest you can be to become a LEO? I am Elderly now 32. Is that too old? Thanks again

My brother in law went through Colorado State Patrol's academy at 38. A former Gainesville, FL PD Chief retired and let his state standards expire. In Florida if you have no sworn employment for over a set period, (4 years IIRC) your standards expire. He went through the complete academy again, at age 69. He not only kept up with the youngsters he surpassed a lot of them in physical training.

So around here it's not about the years, more about the miles! If its something you're interested in, I say go for it.


Nov 4, 2005
So I would like to get a CCW permit. However I am a little worried about doing that. Let me know your experiences from thos of you who have one. Now on to my fear. I have never in my life been arrested,pulled over or got a Parking ticket. The only interaction with Police is working with one and dealing with them when I worked Loss Prevention. Now I have a Police Scanner on at all times and I hear them call back plates and they advise the Officer that the person has a CCW permit. Is it crazy for me to think that I may be driving down the street and for whatever reason they run my plates and find out I have a CCW permit and find a reason to pull me over?

The police are generally not concerned with people who follow the law. Getting your permit shows that you are generally inclined to follow the laws and probably not the kind of person we look for.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 25, 2006
I have a small 2 card holder. that I keep my CCW an DL IN when ask for Id
they see both at the same time. As I am always packing.