Changing the switch on the Lumahunter MRV


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 19, 2007
I am new to this forum and have a question. How do you change the switch on the Lumahunter MRV? The instructions on Batteryjunctions web page do not work. So far, I am not too impressed with this light, but I would like to install the two stage switch included with the light. Any help would be appreciated!

Need a little more what stage of the instructions found on batteryjunction's site, does the instructions fail to work.

You will probably need a small needle nose plier to get a good grasp on the two stage switch. One problem I also had, was a little bit of the hard anodization got on the threads and prevented me from twisting the switch all the way in. On another posts, someone scraped away the anodization, and they were able to get it to work. Don't do what I did, I just used more brute force and turned the switch all the way into the tail cap. It worked, but I was lucky I didn't strip the threads.
Thank you for your reply,

I am at the initial stage of trying to push out the installed switch. I have even used a pencil eraser to push it out, but I am afraid to use too much force and damage it! If this was a $20.00 flashlight, I would not be so careful!

I finally got this thing switched out! I was going about it the correct way, but was not putting enough force into it! Also, after I pushed the switch out some from the outside, I used a small knife blade to pry it completely out. I may write up a quick review of this light, but it will be more like a first impressions review! I am glad I found this forum!

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