Mr Happy
Flashlight Enthusiast
I thought I would try to see what kind of top-off or trickle charge my Duracell Power Gauge charger uses after the finished light comes on, so I put an ammeter in series with one of the cells.
While charging, I sure enough see a pulsed 400 mA charge current, which is in line with the charger specs. But when the cell is (or should be) fully charged, that channel starts showing the blinking red faulty cell light rather then the green charge complete light. I've tried it twice now with different cells, same result each time.
Does anyone have any thoughts about what the charger might find upsetting about having an ammeter in the circuit that would make it do this? The meter doesn't have any significant resistance, and it passes current equally well in both directions. If I return the same cell to the charger without the ammeter in circuit, the channel shows the green charge complete light without fuss. It's mystifying.
While charging, I sure enough see a pulsed 400 mA charge current, which is in line with the charger specs. But when the cell is (or should be) fully charged, that channel starts showing the blinking red faulty cell light rather then the green charge complete light. I've tried it twice now with different cells, same result each time.
Does anyone have any thoughts about what the charger might find upsetting about having an ammeter in the circuit that would make it do this? The meter doesn't have any significant resistance, and it passes current equally well in both directions. If I return the same cell to the charger without the ammeter in circuit, the channel shows the green charge complete light without fuss. It's mystifying.