Chemical Light Sticks?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 25, 2007
I dont know if this is the right place to ask this but im going to anyway.(It can always be moved if its the wrong place) Where is the best place to buy these Online? My supply is starting to run low and would like to stock up on about 100 of these. I currently use Cyalume green 12 hour lightsticks that my ex brother-in law got me but he doesnt have access to them now.:whistle: I havent ever had to buy them so I dont Know were to start.
I think eBay is a good source. Then again, I've never actually bought any (never saw the point) so I may be wrong...
Just curious . . . .

I'm looking at the Bright Guy listing, for the 6-inch Cyalumes.

Do you folks prefer the Green or Yellow color ?

Thank you. :wave:
Just curious . . . .

I'm looking at the Bright Guy listing, for the 6-inch Cyalumes.

Do you folks prefer the Green or Yellow color ?

Thank you. :wave:

I'm messing with a 6 inch yellow currently that came in a first aid kit. Might not be bad for illuminating the bathroom, but I wouldn't look to one of these for navigational purposes. Especially if the kids have left some toys around.

For the 12 bucks they're asking for a box of 10, you can get the Eveready 3LED at Wal-Mart and a 4 pack of D cells. Not to mention choosing when to use the light, not just breaking it and wasting it.

I mean, they're better than nothing, but that's about it. If I need a glowstick form, out comes the traffic cone.

My .02 cents
While I tend to agree that LED lights are rapidly catching up with chemical glow sticks in overall utility...

I've had very good results from (who have cymalume sticks at good prices, PLUS some lesser brands at very good prices) and (mostly non-brand names, but they've got 12 inch light sticks!)

Be sure to order a couple of the 5-minute ultra-bright glowsticks just for fun; they're pretty amazing!

(Both of those stores have assorted LED toys, too.)