well the first thing would be to go to INTERNET OPTIONS, found under TOOLS menu , and see what your cache settings are set for.
inthe GENERAL tab, in the center there is TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES , hit the SETTINGs button and see what up there.
Next would be to do a standard speed tests, and see if your routing is all speedy across the board.
a place like this, shows the many possible servers that will allow this type of testing.
if that DID work, you could proceed to a web browsing test
Correction: to do the Surf speed, you have to select options there, and undo the speed test, that requires java. you do not need to do the thing that requires java there, your trying to get to the banner loaded surf speed test, so you can test other things.
this tests many things, but not speed. it tests how your grafics handler in your browser is working, the speed of your cache, and the internet ITSELF both country wide and world wide. you have to COMPARE your results with the speed of the internet in general, a slow grafics processing, or general processing, even with a broadband connection will slow this test a bit.
then if the speed is low, you would make adjustements to your network path, like your nic, any routers , and modem.
if the browsing is slow, you would try and make adjustements to video acceleration, turning off cute junk that slows down displays, and stuff like that.
of course it as always can be 101 things, but that a little start.
hmm now Ebay ONLY, there are reports of people THINKING they got activex junk and spyware from e-bay, while generally e-bay doesnt HAVE that stuff on it, i would wonder if there was something on your computer anyways, cause loads of people have lots of crud on thier computers they dont even know what it does.
then various security and firewall settings and all, should not be slowing down because of one particular site, mabey stopping cold, but not slowing.
go to RUN and type CMD, and hit ENTER.
then ping ebay.com by name.
Ping Ebay.com
then get the number you see there,
and ping Ebay by that number.
Ping <-- like that, but ebays number.
is the ping to them delayed? does pinging them by number work much faster?