Converting a scanner


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2009
I have a [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]portable [COLOR=blue! important]scanner[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] that is rechargable(7.2V/600mAh) and every time I get it out of the drawer, it has self-discharged. That's not much help if it's storming and the power is off. I would like to convert it to run on non-rechargable [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]lithium [COLOR=blue! important]batteries[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]. As near as I can tell, there aren't any single cell 7.2V lithium batteries made that will fit in the space vacated by the old batteries. I really don't want to have to connect multiple cells together every time I have to replace them. Can I run it on a 9V battery without damaging it? The scanner is also capable of running on 12V DC from a car power point. Does that mean it can handle 12V but 7.2 is enough to power it? Would there be a way to regulate the 9V down to 7.2?

You can use 2 Li-Ion cells connected in series, or you can use a camcorder or digital camera battery ( my CANON 300D, NIKON D50 and SONY alfa 100 have 7.2V batteries), and yes you can use 9V to power 7.2V devices with a very simple LM317 voltage regulator and 1 zener diode.
Hope this helps.