To many people, they think a discount mart flashlight for about $10 is the same thing as a high-tech, high quality mil-spec tactical flashlight that might sell for $100+++++++++.
Both the $10 cheapo flashlight and the $100+ tactical flashlight both shine a light, right ????????? LOL
The reality is that, for typical use by consumers, the cheap light will usually work just as well as the expensive light.
That isn't to say that the extra cost of high quality lights isn't justified.
Consider Walmart's cheapest 12 point 14 mm closed end wrench. For 95% or more of 14mm nuts/bolts, it will work just as well as the finest 12 point 14 mm closed end wrench that Snap-On has to offer. But, if one encounters a hardened bolt that is seized from corrosion, there's a good chance the cheap wrench will be destroyed in the process of trying to break the nut free. The Snap-On will likely work just fine.
The point is, the typical consumer of most items doesn't often encounter situations in which the difference in quality between the best and the cheapest comes into play.
Personally, I generally find high quality items to be more enjoyable to use. It doesn't matter if it's flashlights, fishing rods & reels, bicycles, pool cues, tools, etc. But, in most cases, the cheap plastic flashlight will work fine if it has fresh cells; the $19.99 Zebco rod & reel combo will catch fish; the Roadmaster bicycle will get me from Point A to Point B; I can still shoot a decent game of pool with the house cue off the wall; and the cheap Walmart wrench will tighten that loose bolt.
It's when I don't even have the cheap version of an item that I'm in trouble.
Have any of you had similiar experiences with your friends who just don't understand your appreciation and enjoyment of flashlights ?????????
Yes. It's usually the same people who think I'm crazy for spending well over $1000 for a pool cue, or for spending $40 on a single bicycle tire.