CountyComm BOB questions


Newly Enlightened
Jan 28, 2006
Marietta, GA
I have searched all over for a picture of this bag showing how much space the main compartment has and have not found one. I am going to school part time and need a bag to carry at most a 12" powerbook, 1-2 folders, and 1-2 smaller (1" thick) books.

I like the look of this bag, and the small pockets, I can use it for things outside of school/work, and it seems to be very heavy duty, so as long at I can fit that much (not really alot) in it, I will be fine.
It should hold that,
some things might be a bit tight getting them in there, as the opening isnt quite as large as the inside of the bag.

hm, thought I had some better photos of the BOB, seems I never got around to those though.

If you have a certain item you are wondering about, let me know the dims, and I will check mine.

It might be a bit tight. I'm not sure what the overall dimensions of your powerbook are, but my laptop at 13 x 10 5/8 won't fit. Your 12" width will fit, but I don't know about the height. If it does fit, I'd say OK to a couple of folders and one 1" book, but not two.

I'm carrying a notepad/organizer and a flexible binder and it's really too small. I've got to get something bigger.

It's a nicely enough made bag with lots of pockets and it looks good, just a tad small for someone carrying notebooks, books and a laptop.
Grab the Maxpedition Laptop bag - I love mine, and it hauls my laptop and a textbook and papers all day long..
I have this bag. I concur with the other opinions here, you might be able to fit what you want in there, but it would be pretty tight. I've uploaded these pix of my BOB.

The first pic is shown with a 3D Maglite inside for size reference. The flashlight fits exactly when placed horizontally inside the bag. The other pix show my bag with and without the included divider. I would say that the bag can fit stuff that is up to 3" wide and 12.5" long and 11" high. You could probably stuff in things up to 4" wide, but that would be really tight.

If you're looking for a good tactical laptop bag, check out Maxpedition's Operator Tactical Attache (
Hmm, It looks like I can fit everything I need to in there. I would prefer it to be a tight fit so it forces me to stay organized, otherwise I will carry everything possible with me.

The Maxpedition Attache looks real nice, but the price is a little steep for my budget.
I have the black County Comm BOB. It is very rugged bag and can hold a decent amount of small stuff. I carry it to work everday for my lights, knives and multitools. I doubt it will fit your powerbook though. It is a pretty small bay. I have a Spec-Ops pack rat in there and a Pelican 1020 case and it takes up almost the entire inside of the bag.