It always worked by being bright for a second and settling down to decent.
Today it started dimming to nothing in about 5 seconds.
I changed the batteries that came with it for some Panasonic Alks I had in the door of my truck. The same thing was happening.
I came home meaning to try some NimH, but got on a riding mower and did quite a bit of mowing.
When I got in the house I pulled it out and it was working as if nothing ever happened. I put in NimH AAAx2 and again it works as if nothing had happened.
Any thoughts?
It always worked by being bright for a second and settling down to decent.
Today it started dimming to nothing in about 5 seconds.
I changed the batteries that came with it for some Panasonic Alks I had in the door of my truck. The same thing was happening.
I came home meaning to try some NimH, but got on a riding mower and did quite a bit of mowing.
When I got in the house I pulled it out and it was working as if nothing ever happened. I put in NimH AAAx2 and again it works as if nothing had happened.
Any thoughts?