Re: DBS V2 or 6P with drop-in?
There Dereelight DBS uses a MUCH larger and deeper reflector than a P60 style module uses. My P60 modules generate anywhere from 5,500 to 10,000 LUX at one meter, depending on the drop in, the type of reflector, etc. The smooth reflectors will throw farther and generate a higher lux reading.
The DBS will generate around 26,000-28,500 lux depending on the pill (LED/driver circuit) used.
If you want to put a Dereelight light engine in a P60 compatible light, such as the SF 6P, I would recommend getting a Dereelight pill for the CL1H and a CL1H reflector, either smooth or textured (depending on what you want). You screw the pill into the reflector and drop it into the Surefire. You may have to add a spring to the Dereelight pill so it makes contact with the 6P. Like the spring that is found around a SF P60 module.
The pill for the DBS is a little different than the CL1H, but you could put a DBS pill into a CL1H reflector, but I find the CL1H pills get the LED deeper into the reflector for better throw.
Here is a picture, the DBS reflector is on the far left, then a P60 style reflector for a Dereelight pill, then a SF P60 module, and then a reflector out of a Fenix P3D.