I'm in RC for almost 14 years right now, and I would advise everyone who wants a helicopter and has never flown one before, to choose a double rotor model.
The great advantage is, that all gyroscopic forces are canceled out, so they fly in the air pretty stable. I have flown the Lama and, yeah, it is quite ok, but a little big for the living room. It is better to fly it in a gymnasium.
For the living room, something like the Silverlit PicooZ, which I own, is quite ok. But, as it has no double rotor design, it is quite difficult to fly in a small space.
I read that the design similar to this one is great:
Perhaps there are more than one version, as the chinese manufacturers seem to be likely to copy from each other. The one I have read about was about $50 from eBay.
The design works so well because there are no moving parts like swashplates in the rotors.
Up and down is controlled by the rotor RPM, left and right control works by spinning the 2 rotors at different speeds, so that the lift stays the same, but the torque to one side or the other is stronger.
Forwards and backwards is controlled by the horizontal tail rotor, which lifts or pushes down the tail.
Ok, I just searched around a little and found out that the wild wheels helicopter seems to be a copy of the blade runner with less quality.
So I would choose the blade runner.
There is a special forum for this helicopter: