DEREELIGHT CL1H 2.0! Pictures!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2007
Perkasie, PA
This light rocks! For $109, which included $15 EMS express shipping, I got the following:

-Dereelight CL1H 2.0 w/ Cree Q2 bin 2 Stage Module (low / high) w/ OP reflector
-Optional Cree Q2 bin 5 stage module (low, medium, high, strobe, SOS) w/ OP reflectr
-Spare smooth reflctor that can be swapped with either module's OP reflector
-Spare o-rings, GITD tailcap (default installed on the light), black tailcap, and a black low profile tailcap which allows the light to tailstand.
-Cool box that nicely holds and protects the spare components.

With the OP reflector installed the HIGH on this light is comparable to my Malkoff M60 (P60) Cree Q2 that I have in a Surefire G2. Both are Cree Q2 running at 1000ma so they should be basically the same.

With the smooth reflector it has a ringy beam, but the throw increases noticeably.

With the 2-stage module installed going from LOW to HIGH is as simple as twisting the head.

This light features a momentary forward clicky, like a maglite. With the 2-stage module you can signal (flash) in either HIGH or LOW. A full press will click and keep the light on.

With the 5-stage module a momentary forward press will turn on the light, but successive releases and presses, without clicking, will step you through the different modes, low, medium, high, strobe (very fast strobe), and SOS (faster than the SOS on Fenix). Once the desired mode is found a full press to CLICK will hold that mode. Wen the light is turned off, and then turned back on, it will return the the last mode selected. So if you have it set to strobe, turn it off, and turn it on the next day, it will still be in strobe.

With the 2-stage you can use 1x18650 protected or non-protected, 168a (which I'm not familiar with), 2xCR123A, or 2XRCR123. If usin a protected 18650 with a nipple you should remove he screw on the inside tailcap. With the 2-stage the + (positive) on the battery goes to the tailcap.

Dereelight claims 18650's offer the best performance. Over 20 hours on low!

With the 5-stage you can only use 18650 or 168a batteries and the + (positive) goes towards the head.

You should also check out Fastcar's review:

and here is Alan from Dereelight's topic which has direct ordering information, specs, etc:

Tonight I took my kids for a 5 mile stroller ride in their jogging stroller. The Dereelight rode clipped to my front left pocket and I never felt it the entire trip! I went out with the 5 stage module and the OP reflector. I'm a sucker for modes. :) I kept it in HIGH most of the time.

Before the stroller ride I had the kids at the playground and towards the end it got dark. Nature called and I had to enter a completly dark porta-potty. :) With the Dereelight I was able to clip it to the outside of my pocket and it illuminated the target hole nicely. Too nicely! :sick2: However, it made for a handy hands free flashlight experience. Sorry if that was to graphic or gross for anyone, just found it to be a practical real word use. :)

So anyway, this light feels and looks great. For it's size it's not overly heavy, but it's solid, with a nice HA finish. It feels comfortable and secure in the hand.

I'll be looking forward to future modules. Hopefully we'll see a Q5 module, or someday R-bin modules. :)

Now for some pictures! I'll try to get some beam shots soon, I took these during daylight hours:

Next time I hand model I'll have to remember to trim my nails. :) You may click on the images to view them in hi-res.

Again, I'll try to get some beam shots up.
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Here are some beam shots. I need to imrpove my beam shot setup. I was getting glare off the poster board, I need a more matte surface. So the glare you see to the right of the hot spot isn't a problem with the light, it's glare.

All shots were taken with the light 1 foot from the white board, a little close, but I need to find a larger area to project on. Digital camera's WB locked to daylight. Normal shots were taken at 1/50 f5.6 ISO 100, the under exposed shots were 1/1000 f5.6 ISO 100.

Dereelight CL1H 2.0 HIGH Smooth Reflector:

Dereelight CL1H 2.0 HIGH OP Reflector:

Gene Malkoff M60 (Cree Q2 @ 1000ma) in Surefire G2:

Fenix P3D Rebel100 TURBO:

Fenix P3D Cree Q5 w/ aspherical lens TURBO:

Dereelight CL1H 2.0 LOW Smooth Reflector:

Derelight CL1H 2.0 LOW OP Reflector:

Dereelight CL1H 2.0 HIGH Smooth Reflector Under Exposed:

Dereelight CL1H 2.0 HIGH OP Reflector Under Exposed:

Gene Malkoff M60 (Cree Q2 @ 1000ma) in Surefire G2 Under Exposed:

Fenix P3D Rebel100 TURBO Under Exposed:

Fenix P3D Cree Q5 w/ aspherical lens on TURBO Under Exposed:

Thanks for the photos, its a good reference point with light in hand,,,

Dereelight looks to be the new leader in quality!!!

Damn you have small hands.

Not really, I'm 6'2, hands are bigger than most I encounter. :) Well, long fingers, etc, but kinda scrawny, hehe. Also some of the camera angles and the wide angle may distort things a bit and make the light appear larger in relation to my hand, etc.

Hehe, also what I think is going on is I'm not tightly gripping the light as I'm trying to keep it visible. If I squeeze my hand around it more the light would look smaller in my hand, and make my hands look normal size. :)
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Im glad to see more threads about this light.IMO it is 10x better then most at a better price.

Hats off to AL from Deree for making this beauty!!!:thumbsup:
I agree 100% Fastcar! I love the fact you can do so much with one light. With a OP and Smooth reflector, 2 an 5 stage modules, and different tail caps you can configure this light in so many ways. I like the way you can take out the screw from the battery contact in the tailcap if you are using protected 18650's with a nipple, etc. It's just so well thought out. I can't wait for future modules. :)
How could an ashperical lens fit the Fenix P3D-CE?

Take the head apart, remove the stock glass lens, replace it with the appropriate sized aspherical lens, put it back together.

The head doesn't screw together all the way (there are some gaps) and it will only function in TURBO mode. It may not be water tight anymore.

You can see my topic about it here:
Just some more observations after some field testing. On high with the smooth reflector I can easily spot things (light them up) at 500 feet (confirmed with Google Earth) and you can faintly light things up at around 700 feet!
And future lights ! DBS and single 123 almost ready.

I'm not doubting you FASTCAR, but based off what information do you make the claim that the single 123 is almost ready? I only ask because I'm EXTREMELY interested in this light before Christmas, but I couldn't get any information from Alan as to the specifics of its release.
I "base" that the single 123 light is almost ready on : Al from Deree telling me so.

Paraphrased, AL told me about 30 days ago that the 123x1 "should" be ready for mass production in less then 3 months.

What changed OR may change ..I have no idea.
X-mas is far away.I do not see any reason it will not be out.

I am also interested, I will speak with AL and make a thread for those that may care.
I will assume this single 123x1 will be a killer light.

"C2H" is the planned name at this point.
Very helpful review. I am getting the CL1H V3 as a new year's work light. Love my current SF L2 as EDC but I needed one that is upgradable, brighter, a thrower but still have usable low light.
Very helpful review. I am getting the CL1H V3 as a new year's work light. Love my current SF L2 as EDC but I needed one that is upgradable, brighter, a thrower but still have usable low light.

If you haven't already seen it, I have a review on the V3 as well, with more pictures. It's a great light and should serve you well. Please let us know how it performs for you. Are you going with a 18650 set up, or CR123x2 set up?

I did read your review of the CL1H V3...thanks for the nice review. I am buying the CL1H V3 2SM(2-stage multi power). I have a box of CR123 totaling about 34 batteries left that I might as well use before they expire.


I did read your review of the CL1H V3...thanks for the nice review. I am buying the CL1H V3 2SM(2-stage multi power). I have a box of CR123 totaling about 34 batteries left that I might as well use before they expire.

By the time you use them up there maybe a newer and better emitter module for the CL1H if you decide to switch to 18650's at that point. :) Did you go with a smooth or textured reflector, or both? :) I have a bunch of spare reflectors as they are a good way to help protect any spare pills you may accumulate over time. I know I have a growing community of Dereelight pills. :)

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