DGD Iris Titanium


Newly Enlightened
Nov 13, 2011
Managed to get the last DGD Iris Titanium from an Italian website. According to them, it may well be the last Ti light altogether, since the maestro seems unwilling to accept further orders.

Anyway, I'm deliriously happy my frequent visits to this site over the last months finally did pay off! Couldn't believe it when I found it to be available and bought it immediately, if not sooner! :twothumbs

Btw, I hope this the right section and I hope I'm allowed to post pics obtained from the italian website, which happen to be clearly marked:



And some of mine:




This is my first custom light and I'm still exited. It's much more solid and heavier than comparable "factory" lights with paper-thin aluminum walls, it feels like a solid Ti bar in my hand. Just opening it and closing it generates a totally different, solid feeling. Already, I'm starting to think about a Ti Haiku. And a display case for this and other Ti lights.

As always when trying to take pics of shiny objects with a non SLR digicam, I keep thinking about a good DSLR, a macro lens, a lightbox and some suitable lights. And a lot of money, too. My two excellent but outdated 35mm SLRs languish in a cabinet. :mad:

My appreciation of excellent pics of lights and knives always increases after I try to take some pics myself.
Where will it all end? :crazy:
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