Thanks in advance:
Looking to get an Emisar D-1 to complement a ~5000K Samsung LED in a Fraz Labs qt. The dedomed 5700K 519A D-1 used occasionally every night on dog walks to see the dogs when they are farther away is very nice but distracting in that it has so much warmer color temperature. So looking to get a 5000-5500K emitter hi CRI but it needs to be a smaller die for hopefully more throw. Do you know which of these (FC-40 or B-35AM) would better suit the goal of a hi CRI, moderate thrower?
Looking to get an Emisar D-1 to complement a ~5000K Samsung LED in a Fraz Labs qt. The dedomed 5700K 519A D-1 used occasionally every night on dog walks to see the dogs when they are farther away is very nice but distracting in that it has so much warmer color temperature. So looking to get a 5000-5500K emitter hi CRI but it needs to be a smaller die for hopefully more throw. Do you know which of these (FC-40 or B-35AM) would better suit the goal of a hi CRI, moderate thrower?
New Emisar D1 mini pocket thrower - LED Flashlights
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Unprotected, flat top, high drain batteries only, protected cells won't work</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size: medium;">The 719A, B35AM, FC-40, XHP70.3 HI, SFN-60, SFT-70, 519A dedomed versions are w