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May 9, 2003
Here's my little problem:

I have both an Aleph2 and the KL1 with a Vital Gear body FB1 body. When I put the Aleph2 head
on the VG body everything is fine (very nice and small) and the KL1 on the Aleph body is perfect as
well (15 ohms). I makes me think that all the parts are fine but the Aleph head on the Aleph body started
to behave kind of funny. After I haven't used it for a little while I always have to unscrew the
head for about a quarter turn and screw it back on in order to make it work. It is then fine but as
soon as I leave it off for 15 minutes I have to do that again before turning it on in order to make it work. If I change the
head to the KL1 everything is just fine and the Aleph head is just fine on the VitalGear body. Any
explanations or advices would be appreciated! Maybe some O-ring problems...
I believe that it is the switch on the FB1 body.
I have noticed that some of the different "E" series heads seat differently on the bodies. The FB1 switch doesn't have any spring to make up the differences in the other heads.
The trick that I have done is when one of the heads doesn't work on the FB1 I push the switch harder until it lights up. I think it actually pushes the switch up a bit and makes better contact.
You can also try twisting the switch tighter or looser as needed on the FB1.

Hope this helps.

I wasn't very clear in my explanations...sorry. The problem I have is with the Aleph by itself. Every other combination works fine. The FB1 body is fine and what doesn't work is the Aleph head on the Aleph body.
Make sure the lip of the battery tube is all clean of crud, and make sure the LE is flush with the back of the Aleph head. If the LE is screwed just a bit too far up there, it'll barely make contact with the battery tube lip. That's my best guess. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif
Oops sorry scuba.
What Darell said then.

Ok...I was just wondering if I was the only one to experience that little problem. No big deal, I'll figure it out at some point. Thanks for the answers!