Diffuse ??


Newly Enlightened
Aug 15, 2009
I have a SF m2 with that I usually switch on in off between my Malkoff m60 and malkoff m60 mce. I Like the throw of the M60 and the flood of M60 MCE but I want to have it on me at all times without switches bulbs all the time. My question is would it benefit me to get the SF FM64 diffuser or to buy a new Malkoff M60 WF. If anybody has any beamshot and or experience with the M60 WF or SF FM64 would be great thank.
I have a M60WF and the M60W MCE - the output from the two is quite similar, just the MCE puts out more light, as you would expect. Certainly throw is not part of the deal with either, just lots of nice flood, and more with the MCE.

I have no experience with the diffuser, and I'm not sure how you need to be using your lights, but if you are going to carry another thing around besides your M2 maybe just get another host for the other Malkoff and carry both. Runtime bonus!
Hey thanks for that bro. When I bought the m60 mce I thought it would have a great beamshot but when I got it I was a little dissapointed. That's my fault though I was spoiled by the m60 throw. The reason I need to change lights quick is for low light use (reading documents) and high beam shot for large fields. The diffuser seems more practicaly cause it is already on the flashlight and only needs to be flip over bezel unlike buying light where I have to take off bezel and replace light.
I just got a FM64 this week. I love it. I would hghpy recommend getting one. I got mine cheap at the local gander mountain store. It was like 20 something. Just a note of warning. The fm64 is the exact same filter for the M3 sized lights. There is a rubber shroud inside that sleeves over the bezel. The FM64 has a thicker shroud to take up the extra room. So the filter is relatively large.

I would recommend getting a normal C2-HA bezel from optics planet and get the diffuser for the 6P bezel.
Solscud007 thanks would you be able to post some pics with the fm64 on your m2 thanks. And possible beamshots with and without filter.
Sadly I'm travelling out of the country. Gonna go flashlight shopping in Hong Kong. Surefire bootlegs here I come. Haha. I won't have the ability to post pics as I only have an iPhone.

One nice note is that the FM64 fits a lot of other lights. Like the kroma, U2, kL5, 8NX.

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