Do LEDs become less bright overtime?


Sep 24, 2007
I have a small keychain LED light. I find that it is no longer bright as what it used to be (probably around 1.5-2yrs ago). Does the LED bulb become less bright over time? I have tried changing the batteries but it still seems the same... it could be possible the batteries that I have changed them over with are duds?
Leds definitely lose power over time (from use), but my guess is that the batteries are the primary difference in this case. Is it possible that you just remember it being stronger?
They degrade by a small amount after thousands of hours of use. However, it could be a host of other issues, such as corroded contacts or a poor connection. What light is it? Pictures or a link would help.
Yes, LEDs dim overtime.

If your keychain light has fresh batteries and uses a 5mm LED, then it is highly likely that it was degraded a lot quicker because it is probably overdriving the LED.
I'm guessing it's one of those 5mm keychain lights which use relatively weak button cells. Therefore, you'd probably have to go through thousands of battery changes to be able to see the expected depreciation in output. Heat (overdriving) is what kills them slowly and those little button cells just do not have the oomph to do that.
Its an LED lenser, uses AG5 batteries. I bought 'fresh' batteries from DX, but i've heard that sometimes their batteries aren't too great...
I forgot to mention the light also has a purplish tinge to it now. I can't seem to easily unscrew the top part where the bulb is, so I can't tell u to much about that atm.
haha, i think i know exactly what you bought..i JUST saw it, i thought, "this guy is no flashaholic if he bought those", guess I'm wrong...

thats looks like a crappy light man....:nana:
but you made a good choice on the fauxtons, save the money, and buy as many of the fauxtons as you can. 5x10 pack (cheaper then the 50 pack with bulkrate) is good.


This is probably the LED Lenser he's probably talking about (V9)
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Its an LED lenser, uses AG5 batteries. I bought 'fresh' batteries from DX, but i've heard that sometimes their batteries aren't too great...
I forgot to mention the light also has a purplish tinge to it now. I can't seem to easily unscrew the top part where the bulb is, so I can't tell u to much about that atm.

Sounds like you learned a "LED Lenser lesson".
Alot of those lights look cool, BUT for various reasons, quite often some of them can not handle regular use. I've owned 6-8 of various LED Lenser models. I can also personally say they will assist with service/warranty issues. The AG5 batteries, IMHO don't make that light too endearing either.

This is also one of the reasons why the ARC AAA-P became a treasured classic, still serves many EDC needs
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Yep its the one in the photo, led lenser V9.

I think the LED would be out for warranty by now... probably had it for 2years or so
I'd bet you'll be much happier with a flashlight which uses

-- a single AAA cell --

rather than one using "watch batteries". :whistle:

Oh, by the way, hazna --

Welcome to CandlePowerForums !

I've had an Arc AAA for many years now. Just the other month I decided to try and clean it up, since I've recently gotten more into flashlights and in the past I never bothered to try and do any maitenance with my ARC. So I took a LUX reading before I did anything. After cleaning the contacts with DeoxIT there was a noteable improvement in output. I would imagine when the light was new it had similar, or the same, output, but over the years a lot of crude built up on the contacts, threads, etc.

I also polished up the reflector and the LED itself with a q-tip and some 0.25 micron diamond paste. The reflector got scratched up over the years, and even the LED got scratched up. The polishing paste polished up the reflector, removing scratches, and it removed scratches from the LED's lens as well. Went back to the LUX meter, even more improvement.

So a light will oxidize/corrode over the years, and may suffer damage and wear to the front lens/exposed reflector, etc.

So it may just need some TLC and a fresh battery.
which one is a good one?

It depends on how deep you are willing to dig into your wallet. You can juggle brightness, build quality, multiple modes, user choice of modes, longevity, size, and of course price.

What's your poison? For a AAA LED light, you can go from $6 to $150

A couple highlights:
Dorcy from WalMart $6ish
Ultrafire B3 or 602C from DX $10-18ish
Romisen from DX $11ish
Fenix LOD Q4 $40ish
Arc AAA +P DS $45ish

And on up

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