Do you lose your lights?

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
That's LOSE not USE!

I think that at least once a week I manage to lose one of my lights. There it is in my hand and the next minute it's gone. I try not to panic as this happens so often, but there's this nagging voice at the back of my brain thinking about it lying beside the road waiting for a muggle to pick it up.
I then start wandering around the house casually looking under beds and furniture, even in rooms that I haven't been in for twenty four hours.
Next I start looking under all the cushions on the chairs and sofas.
Finally all the drawers are searched and the inside of the two cars scoured.
This behaviour rarely yields a good result and I tend to start the whole process again.

Today I went into the bedroom and picked up my Novatac, Mrs Yeti distracted me with a story about one of her customers, and then my hand was empty! What's that about? I can't even blame the ghost (as we normally do when anything goes astray) as we're in a new house.
Invariably the light will turn up, but I do hate the waiting.

The only light I have ever lost for real, was an OR Z2 with a Mini Turbohead, which fell out of my pocket while I was chasing an escaped pig. I have a strong feeling that the ungrateful Pigman saw it and picked it up.
I scoured the area for a couple of years before I gave up. I even borrowed a metal detector for the job.
Is it just me?
I have not lost a light....except for my first one I bought in 1980's when I wasn't even 13y.o.(Rayovac Workhorse)

Since then, I haven't lost one.

A headlamp is hard to lose. If at anytime I need to use my hands...headlamp right away. Also attaching lanyards to lights make them harder to lose.
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Hmmm... "Lost"? hard to define.

I`v been beaten up and had them stolen off me, I`v had them confiscated by teachers (and never returned), I`v had them all thrown in the trash Twice! (punishment from parents). but I never Lost one on my own.

So Yes and No really :)
Lost an E1e-BK w/ Tad Customs E socket & AW IMR16340 on moving day; pretty sure it leapt out of my pocket while I was descending an ivy-lined stone staircase through woods from my place to the property owner's. A Maratac Cu AAA w/ Nichia 219b on a ThruNite Ti driver courtesy of Vinh somehow escaped from my key ring in a WalMart parking lot. My mother has somehow lost my last stock Thrunite Ti... my place is tiny, and it must be here somewhere, but it has been missing for months. I misplace what I am carrying nearly every day, but the benefit of having a small place and never going anywhere is that these brief instances are solved within minutes of noticing.
A Microstream. Yes. For some reason that and a small Buck lockback are just not items I can hang onto. I stopped buying the knife after #5 disappeared and microstreams I cannot count how many I lost.

I cannot say I had one "poof" disappear from my hand Pete, but at one point I lost two microstreams on the same day. Other than that and the occasional t-shirt I rarely lose things. Speaking of t-shirts, my Elzetta Bones t-shirts keep disappearing. Number 4 just arrived the other day to replace the first 3 that vanished while stored in my t-shirt drawer.
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There are several flashlights that I can't find...they're probably somewhere in the house or maybe in a vehicle.

Closest I have come to loosing a light was when I had put away my 3P for storage as I had no spare drop in for it at the time. Turns out it had simply become hidden when a few things in the drawer I had stored it in, shifted around and kept the box from view. It was a few months before I found it which resulted in me buying a Solarforce copy of it to have the same form factor light around. I decided to keep it in storage after that. But now I know where it is at.
There are two lights I lost permanently.

First one was a Thrunite T10 NW. I think I left it on the bathroom at work and some smartass filched it. No love lost, though, I didn't like it enough to care. Medium mode was too low and High was too much, the beam was way too floody to be useful, and the tint was... I can only describe it as "ripe avocado", radically yellow with a hint of green if you look closely :sick2: So I bought a Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 and life went on with a minitorch I love way more despite the cool white of its XP-L. Although admittedly, it's a damn nice cool white XP-L.

Second one was a Lumintop Tool CRI, the one that came with a Nichia 219C and that Lumintop discontinued a while ago. This one I'm actually heartbroken about, it was a great little companion :mecry: Worst part is, I have no idea where or how, all I know is that it was after the quarantine started and I was ordered to do home office. Can't have been at home either, my apartment is a matchbox and I've cleaned it thoroughly a few times since then. (EDIT: Found it!)

I've also lost lights temporarily, mostly my Convoys when they slip out of my pocket and into the cracks of the sofa or stuff like that. Once, I misplaced my M1 hard by putting it in the car's sunglasses holder and forgetting about it :stupid: Thought I'd let it drop from my pocket when I got off at a supermarket, I've even pestered their Customer Support for two days in a row in hopes of it turning up in the Lost & Found. Took me three months to find it again; epic facepalming ensued.
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Man I hate doing stuff like that Jean Luc. Set something somewhere unusual thinking "I'll remember because it was not the normal place", then due to habit have no clue where that abnormal place was. I do that with my phone a lot. But at least with a phone you can have someone call it.
Maybe someday there'll be a "find my flashlight" app……yet I probably won't buy one due to the parasitic drain from the homing device.
I never had a light that was lost, but I did have one that was temporarily disoriented for a few days. On the passenger seat, under some paperwork.
I tend to lose things a lot but thankfully I haven't lost any of my most expensive lights. I lost maybe 2 or 3 Chinese lights.
All my lights, knives, and keys have clips and lanyards so there's less chance of loss. And like the old adage with glasses, "On your face or in the case!" Which translates for me that tools not being used should be put back in their rightful place.
No, only misplaced for a long time. Like buried in ice in the winter and was later found after the spring thaw.
No I do not ever lost any lights. At all I am kind of self controlled. I do not often loose things. Even if I think about it I really can not remember something that I was loosing.

The thing that was the longest time "vanished" (for me it was lost - for ~20-30 years!) was my self made wooden bowl in school. Some time ago my mom told me she found it. Since this was the coolest thing I ever did in school and I still like the result (I was in 8th grade, means ~14 years or so).

The people from the HDS section may know my wooden bowl, I posted the picture there some time ago: :D

Since I have it back the bowl is taking care of some of my HDS lights. But usually not that much like it is on the picture.
I lost my BOSS 70 once :eeksign: ...... most worrisome nine seconds of WHERE'SMYLIGHT?! ever.

That's it!
The worst 9 seconds ever.

You're all obviously very organised compared to me.
Mind you, compared to me an Aardveark with diahorrea shows high organisational skills.
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Hmmm... "Lost"? hard to define.

I`v been beaten up and had them stolen off me, I`v had them confiscated by teachers (and never returned), I`v had them all thrown in the trash Twice! (punishment from parents). but I never Lost one on my own.

So Yes and No really :)

Wow, I've had it easy. Only once was a light of mine "traded" at work without my permission; no personal thrashings or situation where those caking care of me took advantage of me.
Mr Yeti,
Thanks for starting this thread!

I wondered if I was the only one who managed to lose or misplace multiple lights.

I have enough Convoy S2+ lights that if one goes missing, I don't really know it. Sometimes I'll scratch my head thinking... I thought I had more of these! But once in a while, one ends up on top of the comforter on my bed, that I didn't place there. They appear in my daughter's bag, her car, or bags that went to the beach, or in the basket with the dog's stuff.

I know that I am missing a couple shorty 18350 S2+ lights,
a maglight 2AA Pro Plus,
a 2D Led Rayovac (with a aspheric spot in the lens) it had a really decent run time.
I also lost a 2 D Ever-ready Wide Beam light, that I soldered in a XML Led.

I recently found my 3D incan maglite, my original Convoy S2, 3C Defiant Super Thrower, Manker Quinlan U11, and yesterday, a convoy shorty showed up on my bed.

It's funny how when one is discovered, it is like "Christmas comes early!" :)
The thing that was the longest time "vanished" (for me it was lost - for ~20-30 years!) was my self made wooden bowl in school. Some time ago my mom told me she found it. Since this was the coolest thing I ever did in school and I still like the result (I was in 8th grade, means ~14 years or so).

The people from the HDS section may know my wooden bowl, I posted the picture there some time ago: :D

Since I have it back the bowl is taking care of some of my HDS lights. But usually not that much like it is on the picture.

I think someone doesn't have enough HDS lights, and needs to make a few more wooden bowls.