My regular use NiMh AA/AAA cells that were CRAP went to the recycling depot this past summer. There was about a dozen of those.
This post isn't really what TTA was looking for, but I answered yes to the poll and am tossing in my 2 lumens, as what I do is very similar to what someone would do with CRAP cells.
First the chargers...
Active Chargers:
Maha MH-C9000
Maha MH-C800S
Occasional Use/Backup:
Eneloop NC-MDR02NU
Rayovac PS16
Not Active:
Sanyo NC-452B (Cadnica AA charger from the mid-80s)
Not Active (but pulled into service in extreme cases):
Rayovac PS13 (22 hour timed dumb charger)
This is the charger that did most of the damage to my older cells, but it still has it's uses (at least until I get a hobby charger)
OK, onto the batteries.
All of these cells are used in solar lights over the spring/summer/fall and get beaten up pretty bad.
IDC AAA - 4 - 600 mAh - Currently about 55% capacity
I haven't had a chance to put these on the C9000 to get capacity numbers, but based on last years results, these guys are in the 30 - 40% capacity range, if not worse.
Unknown AAA - 3 - 350 mAh -
Unknown AA - 2 - 600 mAh -
IDC AA - 3 - 600 mAh -
Paradise AA - 2 - 300 mAh -
Lumisol AA - 1 - 600 mAh -
Moonrays AA - 2 - 600 mAh -
Golden Sun AA - 12 - 600 mAh -
What I do with them....
Last week I pulled 4 600 mAh NiMh AAA cells out of a set of our solar lights to work on in the off season.
These guys were pretty much empty since the sun decided our back yard was not worthy of it's presence :nana:
I put them on the C9000 to drain them @ 100 mA. Only one had any charge left in it (70 mAh).
Put them in to charge at 200 mA to see how they would do. No HIGH from the Maha, so that was a positive. 3 of the 4 terminated normally, one missed termination. Discharged and repeated charge 2 more times. At this point they are showing 350 mAh capacity.
I will follow this regime with all of the above listed cells until they show better numbers.
Once they show progress on the C9000, they get drained and then over to the C800S for a slow condition cycle (if they have enough capacity to handle a 500 mA charge).
For any of the above cells that show HIGH on the Maha chargers, they get a few hours in the Rayovac PS13 dumb charger before they get discharged and a charge is attempted in the C9000 again.
Once I get the hobby charge (Turnigy Accucell 6), the PS13 will most likely be retired.
Why do I do this instead of simply replacing the cells? I'm cheap
These cells are expensive to replace at retail, web stores that carry equivalent cells have expensive shipping, and the only other place I know that has equivalent cells has a less than stellar rep for cell quality (why replace crap with crap?)
Besides, I have these chargers...may as well use them.