Does anyone have a white ARC aaa AND a streamlight headlamp??


May 3, 2002
Minnesota, USA
I am wondering because I have the streamlight headlamp and I would like to know how the white ARC compares to a single LED lit up in the streamlight (it has 3) The single led lit in the streamlight seems very bright to me so before buying an ARC I'd like to know if this is the same type of light output I would be getting.....thanks!

I have both... light ouput seems very similar - the pattern being a little irregular on the Trident (because of the offset reflector configuration)

My Arc AAA LE has very similiar light output and color tint with Trident's single LED.

The color tints are different so its hard to tell, but the Arc is almost as bright as all three leds on my Coulgans /streamlight clone. It is definately brighter than just one.
The arc has more spill light and a smoother beam.

The streamlight really needs an orangepeel reflector. The incandescent beam is perhaps the worst I have ever seen.
BUT I think I can replace the incandescent with an Luxeon, and have a 1 Led, 2led, 1 LS light! Anybody have experience running the Luxeon with 3 AAAs?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cave dave:
The color tints are different so its hard to tell, but the Arc is almost as bright as all three leds on my Coulgans /streamlight clone. It is definately brighter than just one.
The arc has more spill light and a smoother beam.

The streamlight really needs an orangepeel reflector. The incandescent beam is perhaps the worst I have ever seen.
BUT I think I can replace the incandescent with an Luxeon, and have a 1 Led, 2led, 1 LS light! Anybody have experience running the Luxeon with 3 AAAs?

Update: The package says the bulb is 3V 0.2A.
Does this mean the bulb isn't running at full battery strength, what kind of crap is that. Of course most 2aa bulbs are rated at 2.4V so maybe all is well?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by cave dave:
The color tints are different so its hard to tell, but the Arc is almost as bright as all three leds on my Coulgans /streamlight clone. It is definately brighter than just one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did you test both with fresh batteries? I have 2 Arc AAA LE and 2 Trident (one is original brand), all got the same result. Its 3 LED is brighter than Attitude

Quickbeam has just tested its brightness in its site and got the following result:

ArcAAA LE 21 lux
Trident 24/45 lux
Attitude 37 lux


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