Does anyone make a headlamp that will fit this description?



Here is my ideal headlamp:

-At least 200 lumens

-The more throw and spot the better

-Runs on either AA or AAA...preferably 2 or 3 for the run time

-No exterior battery pack (must go on forehead. Not fond of exposed wire to back of head)

-Needs to have a GOOD set or single red ed (red lenses cover up too much light)...though not opposed if red is bright enough...but most with a filter arent in my experience

So far I can only think of putting together a Zebralight h51 and then buy the 501R red led to put on the back of the same headband. I currently used the coleman walmart one that isnt half bad. Has one white led and two small red. The white could be a little stronger and the reds are definitely lacking. I dont think there are too many red led headlamp makers with any substantial lumens.

What say the experts? Did I miss one that fits this description?

Thanks in advance for everyone taking the time to respond to the post.
