Duracell 2650@ 3,1ah??


May 31, 2007
Hi folks, i charged a duracell 2650 at the 1000ma rate, i discharged it also at the half rate with La crosse bc900. By the end of the charge the battery took an amazing charge of 3110mah. Is this possible?Or dangerous?Voltage stopped i think at 1,47V. What do you think?
ergo, that sounds about right. Charging is not 100% efficient, so the mAh "in" will always be higher than the cell's capacity. Remember this when you want to know the capacity of the cell, you have to do a discharge (and catch the reading at the right time, ie. after discharge, not when finished) or a "TEST" to read the actual capacity of the cell, with the BC-900.

I thought I had a really good battery before whan a 2000 mah "charged" to 3200 mah. Like I got a top secret lab experimental unit. Turns out the cell was bad and just converted a lot of it to heat. On discharge I only got 1400 mah :shakehead
Hi folks, i charged a duracell 2650 at the 1000ma rate, i discharged it also at the half rate with La crosse bc900. By the end of the charge the battery took an amazing charge of 3110mah. Is this possible?Or dangerous?Voltage stopped i think at 1,47V. What do you think?

I discharged and charged at 200mA with my BC-700 and it was going over 3.24Ah, then I pull it. I think these batteries are defective. I don't recommend charging them over 2000 mAh.
...i charged a duracell 2650 at the 1000ma rate, i discharged it also at the half rate with La crosse bc900. By the end of the charge the battery took an amazing charge of 3110mah. Is this possible?
Like many other (La Crosse BC-700 / BC-900 / BC-9009) Newbies, you're confusing ACCUMULATED CAPACITY with DISCHARGE CAPACITY. :oops:
I thought I had a really good battery before whan a 2000 mah "charged" to 3200 mah. Like I got a top secret lab experimental unit... ...On discharge I only got 1400 mah :shakehead
See above... (Peanut Gallery: YEAH, I know it's 2 months old! :nana: )

I discharged and charged at 200mA with my BC-700 and it was going over 3.24Ah, then I pull it. I think these batteries are defective. I don't recommend charging them over 2000 mAh.

Please invest some of your time reading your BC-700 manual and my Sig Line LINKs with the keyword: Theory

For a RECENT discussion, please read You Can't Pour 3 Gallons From a 2 Gallon Jug..., perform THE EXPERIMENT and post your results. :wave: :popcorn:

NOTE: For those following 'My Therapy', this is a "Multi-Quote", combined with "Herding Cats"! ;)
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Charging to 3100mAh is not so bad, but it is the discharge that determines the capacity of the cells. SilverFox recommends charging above the rated capacity of the cells.

I meant setting a charger such as Ice, or Triton to top off above the rated capacity of the cell, starting with a cell that has been discharged to about 1 volt, or 0.9 volts.


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