DX 52mm lens wont fit in D cell head


Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2007
I know I should've gotten a Borofloat or UCL lens, but I couldn't resist 4 lenses for the price of one.

So I have this 52mm lens from DX that finally arrived today but none of the 4 fit as easily as the reviews said they would. It seems like it is 1mm to big. I broke one already and manged to force one on, leaving a .5mm gap on the between the bezel and head.

I know that I shouldn't modify the light to fit a DX lens, but rather get a higher quality lens that fits properly.... but I just don't want to waste the other lens.

So are there any tips with fitting the lens into the head?
Have you measured them? 52mm should be a nice comfy fit with a bit of room to spare.
Just checked 1 of my Mags.
I don't have any calipers, but with a ruler it surely is bigger than 52mm :sigh: I measured 53mm with a ruler.
They must be over size otherwise they would fit, I've bought them in the past fitted fine, they may have been bought from KD can't remember.
Cheers Norm
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Same thing happened to me. Ordered sku.5948, wouldn't fit. Used force (there is no mechanical issue ignorance and force cannot solve) and it broke. Wouldn't fit my old 3D (without D in serial) nor my newer 2C (with C in serial).
You don't need anything special to knock a few .10s off something as thin as a flashlight lens.

You could take it to any bench grinder or belt sander and be done with it shortly. A Dremel tool with a silicone carbide stone would work too. Of course the accuracy would lie in the hands of the operator but it still should be quite easy.
You don't need anything special to knock a few .10s off something as thin as a flashlight lens.

You could take it to any bench grinder or belt sander and be done with it shortly. A Dremel tool with a silicone carbide stone would work too. Of course the accuracy would lie in the hands of the operator but it still should be quite easy.
Best to use water as a lubricant/coolant, the video you linked to is using a diamond head with a wet sponge running behind the head.
Dremel is a goo idea especially if you can keep the lens wet.
as with all those threads regarding DX (and similar) stuff ...
... You get what You pay!
One might be lucky to be able to use it, but in most cases whatever ordered has to see a bit of "personalization"

Anyone uses very cheap tools or screws on his/her car, bike, home, ... ;)

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