E1B Creature!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
My E1B wasn't working.. so when I went to change the batteries this little guy came out! :confused::eek::faint:

I guess its safe to say: I worked the bugs out:ohgeez:
Yeah SF said they were working on some new sort of battery. Guess it was released early.
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MY PUPPY!!!!!:(:barf::mecry::mecry:

Easy now, he's just napping. Puppies are a superior power source for surefires.
But it takes a lot out of them. Probably should get the vet to take a look at that skin condition though, could be a side effect of the surefire Xtreme Grease. There have been some threads about it. Apparently it melts the skin of anyone who isn't Chuck Norris, or a surefire light. I guess it's not so good for small animals either:shrug:
that "bug" would be a cicada

not sure how it got in there:candle:
they live under the dirt for 13-17 years and come into adulthood [what your bug is] only to mate.

I think someone did that intentionally...poor guy:shakehead
I used to play with these things when I was young, they're the "noisiest bugs in the trees" :faint:
I guess thats why you could hear a little buzzing when you held the light up to your ear on low.

that "bug" would be a cicada

not sure how it got in there:candle:
they live under the dirt for 13-17 years and come into adulthood [what your bug is] only to mate.

I think someone did that intentionally...poor guy:shakehead
I used to play with these things when I was young, they're the "noisiest bugs in the trees" :faint:

Where I used to live is infested with these things, it's literally impossible to take a nap during summer day time with them screeching all day long.
Holy crap what a useless thread. Were you really that bored or just wanted to use some forum bandwidth?
Or a dead raccoon......

Only thing I ever found in one of my lights was a squashed ladybug. It must of jumped in there during a field battery change.

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