EDC at home?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2004
Anyone bother to carry their EDC stuff when you're at home? I don't, I can't really see a point to it. Anything I want or need of mine is right at my fingertips.
Yes . Every day carry is just that . When I go to bed *all* of my EDC is right by the bedside . Wallet,keys, cell phone(doubles as the alarm clock),a Benchmade AFCK ,Gerber mini Covert , Gerber Clutch , gun belt with Fenix L123T ,spare mags and holstered Kahr are all at the ready . If I'm awake I'm carrying .
i leave lights all over the house, so i can pretty much just grap one if i need it

they have mostly AA / 2 x AA 1W / 3W LED lights :)
2 lights, a lighter, a knife...on me at all times...if I cant have it on me is somewhere where I can easily grab it [if Im in the shower, than everythings sitting on the cistern]

not necessarily for home use, I sometimes need to go outside for something and not have the time to collect what I think I may need. oh yeah, I EDC lights in bed:ohgeez:
If I am wearing pants, then I've got pockets, and therefore my EDC is on me: P1D-CE plus minimalist CRKT blade and SwissTech UtiliKey on a split ring in one pocket, and MJLED modded Soli on split ring with car key in other pocket. This applies at home and wherever I am. I don't, however, EDC in bed. I've got a Pelican M1 and a pretty large Gatco blade in the nightstand.
Have prepositioned SureFire's at points round the house. EDC usually hanges with the keys by the front door. Main light around the house is 6M at bedside keeping my Glock company.
I usually have one dropped into my pocket if I am wearing sweats, if my jeans there is always one in there anyways.

Most often I grab an MJLED modded AAA Minimag, or X5 and drop it in my sweatpants pocket. Lately I have been carrying my L1T in my sweats or shorts pocket since I dont use it for every day carry and want to use it some and not just drawer it.
My friends tell me I always have too much stuff with me, even while at home. I live alone in a large old (1925)house with a ton of strange noises. If I'm in my bedroom, everything is right at my bed side. If I go downstairs/basement I've got my EDC on me. At first thought that having my own house with everything in one area, that I wouldn't NEED to have everything with me. But now I feel that I'm naked without my EDC and I always end up using my stuff anyways. While the XD-45 doesn't get used unless at the range, it's a good piece of mind and I feel more safe. The knife, flashlight, lighter, & keys are ALWAYS being used. The ONE time I left my light in my room, the power went off and I struggled out of the darkness of my basement and made my way.....I now EDC at least my light and knife anytime I leave my room. I just try to be better prepared. Always seem to need something when you don't have it.
I'm mostly home at night so I carry a Pila GL3 in my pajama pocket. If I hear a CRASH outside (I live in a bad neighborhood so I hear it all the time) I'll be packing enough lumens to check out the creeps outside. I used to pack a SF A2 which did its job very well, but at night more lumens means more control over a situation!:twothumbs
I have a Photon Freedom around my neck at all waking hours; except bathing, swimming or *cough, cough, well, you know*.

It's not much light, but if the power does go out, it's enough to let me get to a bigger light.
My usual EDC is on my person most times at home, depending on state of dress. Sometimes the holster won't be on, or the PDIII or Orb Raw will be on the couch or bedside table.
I carry my Jetbeam CL-E in my pajama pocket until It is bedtime. Then it goes on the dresser. I have a fake photon keychain light under the pillow for a quick light and to check on our daughter.
In case the power goes off. That's my reason.

A year ago my family and I were out in the garage getting ready for our garage sale and the power went off. I pulled out my EDC and we all trouped into the house to get more flashlights and then continued our pricing by flashlight light.

I also carry a small pocketknife/screwdriver/bottle-opener on my key chain. I probably use the knife most every day at home since it's close at hand.

greg_in_canada said:
In case the power goes off. That's my reason.

Mine too.

My EDC is a C-LE on my keychain with my Leatherman Squirt P4. When I get home, it hangs on the key-keeper-tracker, and I grab my L1DCE and put it into the pocket of whatever I have on, with my cell phone.

When I got to sleep, the L1DCE and cell phone watch over me from my nightstand, easily accessible.

In case of earthquake, etc., I have a SureFire on its lanyard attached to the headboard - so it can't get away.

My Arc-P is on it's neck lanyard around my neck until I go to bed...My HDS is on my person 99% of my waking moments, if I remove it from it's belt sheath or pocket it is placed next to me or somewhere were I can see it's tritiums should the lights go out.

Both lights are placed on my bedside table when it's time for

Yes, I have a light on me at home. It is either my P1D-CE or my amilite neoT3 for convenience. Helps out when my wife's contact lens falls out, checking the bottom of the washer drum for that one dark colored sock that is always MIA, etc.

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