EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade 806


Jun 19, 2003
I just bought a Leatherman Charge XTi, and I'm very impressed with the blade on it (for a multitool). It's a locking blade, seems about 3.5" or so, made of 154CM steel and can be opened one-handed using the thumb hole.

Right now I'm EDCing a Benchmade 806D2 folder. It's slightly lighter, longer, and thinner than the Charge. I use the pocket clip with it and have a zip tie through the thumb hole such that it opens as I pull it from my pocket. I also carry a Leatherman Squirt P4 in the watch pocket in my jeans.

So, right now I'm thinking about EDCing the Charge exclusively. I'd lose 0.5" of blade length and the fast-open, but maybe that's not a big deal -- I'd be gaining a lot of tool utility and one would only have to carry one thing around. The only real issue I have with it is I cannot tell by touch, if I am about to open the serrated blade with the gutting hook or the normal knife blade.

Does anyone have any insights there?

The lock on the BM is safe and strong, and I trust 'em. Unless you completely close the handles of the Leatherman, the blade on it could close when you apply pressure on it.

Other than that, I EDC a Leatherman and at least one other knife. I find that I use the knives a lot more frequently than the blade on the Leatherman.

But, in true CPF fashion, why not carry both? A Rip-offs or Nite-Ize holster or pouch isn't very expensive, protects stuff in it, gets crap out of your pockets, can be unobtrusive enough to be worn with almost anything, AND adds versatility. You might even be able to carry another light in one!
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I opened the Leatherman up and was unable to move the liner lock for the knife blade at all? It seems reasonably secure for that sort of thing, though I'll admit, not as good as BM's AXIS lock. How were you getting the lock to fail on the Leatherman?

I could carry both, and the Benchmade is better at being a knife, but I'm just not sure that justifies the bulk of it. Guess I could try both and see.

I'm not a fan of stuff hanging from my belt, to be honest.
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

Don't get me wrong, any lock can fail for several reasons. I just find that the Leatherman tends to get more gunk in the joint of the lock, and that I tend to lean on the knife blade (and other tools) on the Leatherman a lot. I have had them fail (without injury -- the fate's looking after someone doing something foolish, I guess).

The BenchMades I have tend to lock up more securely, and I also tend to keep them cleaner and neater that I do the Leatherman tools I have. The knives I have tend to also have less play in the blade when it's locked, both up and down, and side to side, than any pocket tool I have seen. I just trust them more, and so far (knock wood!), I have yet to have one fail.
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I think that was probably a general though of the standard Leatherman, which isn't secured unless the handles are together. Just so we're clear, the Charge line uses liner locks to secure the blade. Actually, the blades are on the outside of the tool, so you don't have to unfold it to open the blades.

Maybe you could put the pocket clip on the Charge, and pocket them both. I personally like having the Charge on my belt on the left, it balances all of the stuff on my right side. I, too, carry a Benchmade (in addition to several other knives) on a daily basis. There are some situations where one would be preferred, and some where another would be a better bet. In a lot of cases, the Leatherman would be enough, but there are times where the Benchmade is the best bet. .
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

Nope. I had a blade start to close up on a Pulse, which does have the lock. I've also had it get very difficult to unlock once in a while (just open up another tool on the same side to gently help force the lock button). I have thoroughly cleaned it since then and it works fine, but I do not trust it as much (understandably for me).

I do want to be clear that in that one case, it was most likely my fault for letting it get too cruddy, and as I said before, I tended to not clean up my pocket tools as much as my knives. Then again, they are tools and will get dirtier than knives in their intended use. To be safe, I would suggest again that you close the handles when using the blade. Also, another safety tip is to be sure that the individual tools are secure in the handle frames -- tighten 'em up and check to be sure that they are tight regularly.

As for my choice, I tend to trust the lock on a knife more than the one on a pocket tool, but I do EDC both. YMMV.
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I would notch or mark the side with the blade of choice so you can tell at no glance which one you're opening up.

Tho I do like the 806D2 very much and would carry both /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I know what you mean about having alot of crap in your pockets, the belt has to get tighter and it still feels like things are bulging out all over. I'd wear a multifunction belt pouch if it made work easier for me but I usually feel silly with something like that on after work or it jabs my gut when I sit or snags on things. Manpurses haven't solved the too many gadget dilemma for me either. My fatboy makes me feel encumbered, and too much encumberance can effect your "damage" and "to-hit" abilities (basically I'm alluding to the fact that it makes me feel like I should be heading out for an evening of D+D, i.e. geeky - nothing wrong with that but it's not my thing). So for those of us who don't like the "carry more stuff" solutions. The solution is to carry less stuff. That's really half the point of the Charge. To be able to carry less stuff while you carry more stuff. Question is, how much in there do you use regularly. I did heating and air and electrical work and I must have used my multitool 30 times a day. I have a wave with the lower grade steel but, as long as I sharpened it regularly and kept it clean it was great and although I had other higher quality knives I didn't carry them. Now, however, I don't work in those fields any more so I might end up using a multitool (other than the knife) two or three times a week, sometimes more sometimes less. It not worth having in my pocket but it's worth having in my truck. I honestly don't think I'd get rid of either but I'm really not willing to carry both unless I find myself in a job where I need to carry both tools and a knife that is carried for self defense purposes.
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

Unless it's been updated since I saw one last, the Pulse locking system is not the same as the Charge locking system. The blades on the Charge are completely independant of the pliers. You can open the blade, use it, close it and put it away without ever seeing the pliers. You can't open the blade and pliers at the same time on the Charge period, as the pivots are on the same end. If the blade is open, you cannot unfold the Charge to get to the pliers, and if the pliers are open they block the blade from opening.

All that being said, the Charge does use a linerlock, which is a big putoff for a lot of people. I've put my BM 910 through things that would destroy a lot of knives and haven't had a failure yet. I don't expect one. Probably part because I know how to handle a knife and part because I have a quality knife. I've got other collectable quality knives that I wouldn't trust in situations like that.

For the most part, the Charge will take care of my needs. If I need to worry about self-defense, a knife isn't my first thought. .
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade


For the most part, the Charge will take care of my needs. If I need to worry about self-defense, a knife isn't my first thought. .

[/ QUOTE ]

I've got a Kahr PM9 for that, and if I can't do it in 7 rounds of 9x19, a knife probably isn't going to help /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

That's what I was thinking - if 18 +p+ from a G17 can't take care of it, I doubt the knife is going to help so much either. .
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

That's what I was thinking - if 18 +p+ from a G17 can't take care of it, I doubt the knife is going to help so much either. .

[/ QUOTE ]

Never know when you might run into a vampire or werewolf! :p
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

Silver jacketed Speers, of course. Works on critters of the undead and thugs too!!
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I've been EDC'ing the Charge XTi for about two months.

To remember which blade is which, I installed the pocket clip (even though it usually stays in the sheath on my belt). The 154cm blade is on the opposite side of the clip so my fingers naturally wrap around it. Then I make sure I put it in the pouch the same way every time.

I did have the hook blade unlock on me once. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad71.gif I was testing the hook by (trying to) open a box along the taped seam. Should have just zipped through, but it didn't. And the lock failed. VERY scary.

That was the first and only time I tried to use the hook. I can't see how you can use it safely. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rant.gifI thought you should never pull a blade towards you. Especially with the serated blade up.

I wish that it was JUST a hook, with maybe a screwdriver or mini pry bar on the end.

Other than that, I really like it. I use it all the time.
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I never leave home without my Charge Ti - I'd feel naked /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Have been EDCing for nearly 6 months and the thing is probably the best purchase I have EVER made !!

Can't wait for next generation of tools Leatherman release to replace it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

I'm in a similar scenario as you except that I do not carry firearms. I EDC a Leatherman Wave and a MiniRitterGrip (RSK). My actual use turns out to be about 75% RSK and 25% Wave. The 25% that is Wave consists of only the things I can't get done with a blade. So, basically, cutting tasks are three times as prevalent as all others combined (screw drivers, wood saw, can opener, file etc.)

Of the 75% that I use the RSK, about all of it can be done in some fashion with the Wave main blade but not as quickly, not as safely and not as effectively. This is due not only to the blade material but steel, length, handle, lock confidence, profile, etc.

So, in this case, and at least for me, I feel the need to carry both. The Wave along with my L4 in a Ripoffs QR belt holster and the RSK on my pocket.

Re: EDC hard decision... Charge XTi vs. Benchmade

Yep, I've actually moved my leatherman into my backpack/EDC bag. About once a week I really miss having it on my belt, but 95% of the time, my Sebenza or MiniRSK do the job.

I find that a multitool knife is just like everything else on a multi-tool - totally acceptable if you don't have the real thing readily to hand. The insane convenience of a front-pocket clipped small folder isn't going to be overtaken by a multitool anytime soon, IMHO.

The real question is when a Charge comes onboard to join my Wave and Juice S2...

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