EDC Ultimate 60XR vrs. Novatac 120P


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2007
I have an EDC Ultimate 60XR I bought a couple of years ago and now see that the Novatac 120P is available. Does anyone have any real beam shot/output/battery life comparisons between these two. I am wondering whether to upgrade or not. If the difference isn't noticably better, then I will probably stick with what I have and amortize the cost over another year or so.
I can't make a direct comparison - but for a lot less than a 120P you could send your U60 to Milky for a seoul modification and get a whole lot more oomph out of the HDS - likely enough to make you put off the 120P for a few years!
Agreed, send it to Milkyspit. It will be as bright or brighter than a 120P, and he does amazing work. I'm to the point now where everything I'm buying is either directly from him, or sent to him shortly after purchase for his 'magic touch'.
I'm thinking about sending my beloved HDS42 XRGT to Milky, yet the new HDS 120 is worth considering.:popcorn:
If your light was pre Cree/Rebel/Seoul, then a change to a modern premium light like the Nova should increase brightness/runtime several times. Modding should do the same.

If you look at these beamshots -


- then I think, lumenwise, your HDS is in the same league as the E2D, while the Nova should be in the same league as the Huntlight or Jetbeam IIx running 14500's. Big difference!

If it has been a while since you checked on lights, you might want to know that the mid-range lights and lights using single AA sized rechargeable lithiums perform much better relative to the high-end lights now. I've just ordered a $55 dollar LF5 that's a sort of programmable, single AA powered, Surefire U2, and that Jetbeam is about the some sort of price, multileveled, and finger sized. I was shocked by how much things have changed since I last ordered a light - in car terms it's as if the LED production industry managed about 50 years of progress in a single year.
Thanks guys!
How do I go about doing this with milkyspot? I am a newbie on flashlight mods. Any info on the upgrade I can read?
I have had Milky Mods to my HDS' and have enjoyed them. However, why not spend just a little more and get the Novatac. That way you then have two great lights.
Please explain how it's better in many ways?


First of all it has the HDS build quality. Novatacs are ok, but they had to cut some corners to lower the price.
Secondly, it had more throw and a brighter hotspot. I was doing side by side comparsions at PF9, and most people I did it for thought the modded B42 was actually brighter then the 120P.
Also, from some of the runtime tests that have been done, I can expect longer runtimes from the modded B42.

If you allready have a U60, just get it upgraded and save some money. The only advantage you might get from the Novatac is an easier UI. Don't know if that's worth the extra $$ to you.
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I had Scott (Milkyspit) Seoul-mate both my Ultimate 60's and, aside from the significent brightness increase (matches my Fenix P3D Rebel 100 on turbo) I honestly can't think of a way to improve the beam configuration, which gives great throw but also enough spread to make it a an excellent "walking" light.

Thanks everyone. I am sold on the upgrade. Especially if it runs cooler, as I expect it will. It is sometimes a pain in the arse when I want to run on max for a while, but after 3-4 minutes the temperature limiting function kicks in and automatically reduces power. Any additional comments on this?
Milkyspit upgraded my U60 with a Seoul SSC P4 emitter. Simple wall/ceiling lux meter reflection tests show it's at least 2x as bright on high.

I haven't done any run time tests, but it's definitely worth the upgrade. IMO the U60 was a perfect light, just needed a bit more max output, which this upgrade provides.

I'd suggest doing the upgrade, then waiting for the user reviews of the new Arc LS and HDS 120.

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