I was at Target the other eve here in Raleigh, and like always, look for new lights. They have not had much of anything new lately, so I walked over to the Sporting Goods section to look at the multitools and Eddie Bauer items. In front of me was a "closeout" sticker and a bunch of EB UFO lights at around $3.08! I thought that this would be something cool to put on a keychain or something so I picked one up. These are really bright and very well made! I was expecting a plastic body, but this thing is metal and has a real solid feel to it. Best of all, it is BRIGHT! This is a great light to have just for getting around the house in the dark, or looking for things in your vehicle. I liked it so much, the next week I picked up another! Now I have two and I can play space wars!!!!! :twothumbs
