The 10180 and 10280 Eigers are still available in both SS and Brass, with lugs, and they're beautifully knurled. Both polish up very, very nicely.
A couple of comments. First, although I love the 10180 Eigers, I hate that battery which is a real pain to charge and has little capacity. That's not such a big issue with a really low level light that stretches out the available power. Even though it's a bit bigger, the 10280 is far superior because that battery is no problem at all to deal with and because its capacity is sufficient to be really useful. Second, before you select a #0, know that it doesn't put out very much light - too little for my taste especially in the wide beam configuration. The #1, on the other hand is closer to the output of the original Arc AAA. With a LiIon battery and a medium or narrow optic the candlepower output of the #1 is adequate for many more tasks.
Very few pictures do justice to the quality and appearance of these Eigers. You can't go wrong with either Brass or SS.