Eneloop USB Charger & Mobile Booster - Sweetness


Feb 3, 2007
Foothills Country
I've always thought the Eneloop USB charger was exceptional in both design and function:

http://www.sanyo.co.jp ... 0704/0418-1e.html

It now appears to have a sibling that's exceptional as well:

http://www.sanyo.co.jp ... 0709/0904-1e.html

Although the latter two models referred to in the press release both have lithium-ion batteries, they can only function as mobile boosters.

However, the first model referenced can function as both a mobile booster and a USB charger for the Eneloop and other NiMH AA and AAA cells.

It doesn't appear that Sanyo followed Energizer's lead with the DUO by including an AC to USB adaptor with the KBC-E1S, but one can be had for a pittance on eBay:

http://search.ebay.com ... USB-AC-adapter-All

I think it's worth noting that the eBay prices on these things are significantly lower than those most commonly found elsewhere, even after factoring in delivery charges.

There are also kits available on eBay that include a 12 volt DC to USB auto adaptor. They even come in white, mostly because they're intended for the iPod crowd.

Methinks the KBC-E1S is going to look good sitting next to my trusty MQN05:

http://images-amazon.com ... 1G3pnj1JwL.jpg
i like that enloop to USB one, mabey a 5V type charger that finnaly works with ni-mhy fully :) KBC-E1S
charge more than one set of enloops with it using USB, then when you need USB power OUT start stuffing the enloops back in, works for me.

but the li-ion ones i still dont "jive" with , only because why charge a li-ion with a li-ion loosing 25% of it in the process, when you could just hook it up to the device itself and run it that way :shrug: its just me i am sure , but double conversion as opposed to direct connection just makes me think of Changing/modding something.
most of this electronics junk just needs more original capacity, or super batteries as an option, 4 hours runtime BAH !

also i think that when you need emergency power, the last thing you need is for that emergency power item to be discharged itself :thinking:
it just doesnt "feel right" . umm Charge a charger ? okkkayyy

a emergency or portable charger needs to be able to run off of something you can PUT in it, and keep putting in it, untill all your charged sources are empty. it also needs to run off of anything. so when i am 100 miles in the boondies, and i got some dusty old alkie cells from the "General store", i can get some sort of charge.
been there done that, electronic geek backpaking in the middle of nowheresville.
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I have a couple USB to mini USB cables for an MP3 player and a camera, to Xfer data, are there different ones for data versus power ones to charge a phone, I always wondered this.
nice, I've been looking for the USB charger to use when traveling, but I think I'll hold out for this when it becomes available.
I have a couple USB to mini USB cables for an MP3 player and a camera, to Xfer data, are there different ones for data versus power ones to charge a phone, I always wondered this.

i use DATA ones to charge with.
the "spec" stuff for USB is to be able to transfer power AND data, up to 500ma of power. Some usb wall chargers work faster than a computer usb, becuase your not supposed to try and draw more than 500ma from a computer. wheras a propriatary connection to thier device (using the same cable) can work faster.

data cables even the thin rollup ones are completly capable of the 500ma.

so most every "data" usb cable will work on almost every usb device in some way, and pass power through.

then i have seen some that they limit the quantity untill you ADD in the power TO the usb cable via a power in jack, to increase the charging rate when on a computer. they do that and have both worlds, the usb connection and 500ma, or adding in power for a faster charge.

some computer devices wont attempt ANY power consumption, from the USB data cable at all, requiring thier Own power, they just dont connect the usb power up in any way, because they run off of external power. like say a printer or a scanner, they might use the power as a "signal" but not attempt to be powered up with it. they still use the same CABLE that is capable of power, they just dont use power from it.

the connection to power is all the same, the limitations, if any, are to avoid drawing more power off the computer than "specs" for the computer.
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Duracell has released a similar device, based around 4xAA. There's a video at the duracell URL and a review at the flashlightnews one.

Personally, I don't really "get it", because out of all my stuff, I have _one_ USB powered/chargeable device, my iPod. For the rest I'd need a 120V inverter. I mean, I could probably dig up a USB->Sanyo phone charger, but not something for a Canon or Sony LiIon camera batt.

Furthermore, in a power out, I need light, hot water, and a stove, not a bloody iPod, phone, or digicam.

Then there's also:
from Digipower
The Semson's "pocket power bank"
The MintyBoost, a DIY electronics kit
Sony has a new one called the "energy link"

and I can't find an URL, but Wal mart has a cheap one hanging by all the DigiPower and Kodak chargers. Just AA->USB power, not a charger.

I'd love a good solar AA/AAA charger, but the Eneloop one with the liIon inside is just silly. Maybe now I can find solar->usb and then use a usb AA charger. iPowerUS has a NiMH charger to go with their solar pack, but I remember reading the manual and finding something funky about how it works that had me change my mind.
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If the mobile thing is mini-USB only, I'm SOL now that my Razr is toast. My new Samsung uses some weird proprietary input plug.

Isn't there a decent quality AA(s) cellphone charger out there that comes with a plethora of input plugs?
My cellphone's 1100mAh (or somthing like that) battery only lasts about 2 - 4 hours when streaming shoutcast from internet, something I like to do while doing work, which lasts for 8 hours plus the drive there and back. Battery lasts maybe 6-8 hours with the display always on and running the GPS navigation software.

I like the idea of keeping it fed with a bunch of nimh instead of having to shutdown, swap its battery and reboot it again, something that takes several minutes...

For power outages at home I've got SLA to charge things with :)

So I think these AA->Charge things are popping up specifically because all these devices have inadequate runtime on their own batteries...
a emergency or portable charger needs to be able to run off of something you can PUT in it, and keep putting in it, untill all your charged sources are empty. it also needs to run off of anything. so when i am 100 miles in the boondies, and i got some dusty old alkie cells from the "General store", i can get some sort of charge.
been there done that, electronic geek backpaking in the middle of nowheresville.

You make a most excellent point VidPro, and one which I never considered.

I've just added it to the the list of reasons why I like the KBC-E1S.

Okay, they would be more accurately described as a list of justifications and excuses to purchase one...
Thanks for the explanation VidPro, I believe I understand all of it.

So does the computer limit the potential draw to 500 Ma in any way? :shrug: Or can a device overdraw on power from the USB and burn up the port?

Thanks for the explanation VidPro, I believe I understand all of it.

So does the computer limit the potential draw to 500 Ma in any way? :shrug: Or can a device overdraw on power from the USB and burn up the port?


i have a burnt port, not sure what caused it. it might depend (like everything) on what was done to prevent that or regulate it. mabey i popped one of them teeney fuses.
I tried streaming Pandora net radio on my phone, but the weird headphone jack is a pain (need adapter or special phones). But, good point. I did get an AA->iPod adapter for a long plane trip. Haven't used _that_ since they put a fix in the firmware to let me drop the backlight brightness on the 5th gen from burn-your-eyes-out down to something more watchable that runs twice as long. Then in gen 5.5, they put in a BRIGHTER backlight....well, guess you can turn that down even further.

If the mobile thing is mini-USB only, I'm SOL now that my Razr is toast. My new Samsung uses some weird proprietary input plug.

Isn't there a decent quality AA(s) cellphone charger out there that comes with a plethora of input plugs?


"Power Management Accessory for Outback (LED-98), SuperBattery (LED-99) and UltraBattery (BT-2200). BT-USB-AA.

This allows you to charge your cell phone from your computer via USB.

Samsung SPH-A880, SPH-A560, SPH-A840, SPH-A920, MM-A700, SPH-A460,SPH-A500, SPH-A600,SPH-A620, SPH-A660,VM-A680,SPH-N240,SPH-N270 "....and on and on.
nice, I've been looking for the USB charger to use when traveling, but I think I'll hold out for this when it becomes available.

Fortunately, it's getting somewhat easier to circumvent Sanyo's apparent reluctance to simultaneously release their products worldwide.

These vendors all indicate they will ship internationally:

http://www.onlineshop.com.sg .. products id=4565

http://search.ebay.com ... usb-charger-booster

http://store.yahoo.co.jp ... eneloop-kb.html

Costly, and inherently more risky, but viable options nonetheless.

If it takes Sanyo as long to get their Eneloop mobile boosters into the North American market as it did their first USB charger, I may well give one of these vendors a try.
So let me see if I got this right

This is a USB Eneloop charger that is also a USB power source/booster?

Is there a 4AA version? I am looking for something to store 4AA batteries for use in my flashlights that can double as a cell charger
This is a USB Eneloop charger that is also a USB power source/booster?

Is there a 4AA version? I am looking for something to store 4AA batteries for use in my flashlights that can double as a cell charger
The Duracell Mobile Charger may be what you are looking for. It is a 4 AA charger that works as a USB power source when filled with 4 charged AA cells.
I've found a little info in the duracell charger, and it looks pretty large. Here's something I just ran across, I might pick one up:

Tekkeon MP1550

4xAA usb charger/power supply.
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Yes, the Tekkeon does look very compact.

The Duracell charger does more though, so that may be compensation to some for its increased size: it can be powered from the mains for charging and for USB power output, and it (I think) has four individual charging channels where the Tekkeon has two pairs.

This ain't the booster just the first Sanyo USB charger.

Thanks for the link to your thread on the first USB charger koala.

I think it worth mentioning that your initial assessment of its capabilities was spot on.

It was the Sanyo site in Hong Kong that finally posted its specific credentials, confirming that it does indeed have the full suite of controls inherent in most Sanyo chargers:

http://www.sanyohk.com ... code=ldipwrw

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for expansion:

http://www.energy.sanyo.com.sg/chargerproduct ... control
I think it was outsourced, not made by Sanyo, just rebranded. But as long as it is not a timer and not a 2cell charger I am happy.