...I have two sets of IC3 AAs, some (or all) of which seem to have gone kaput... ...I'm not sure if it is one of them that is shot, or all. (Any ideas to test this?)
Buy a Smart Charger/Analyzer. :tinfoil:
I have SIXTEEN (NON-*CRAP*) I-C³ AA cells and *NO* I-C³ Charger!

(Bought them at Target when they were discontinued, *CHEAP*!) I was living "
Fat, Dumb and Happy"

for a few years, charging them in my Rayovac PS1 and/or PS3 "
Cookers" and eventually in my HIGH-TECH La Crosse BC-900, *TOTALLY* oblivious to the "
Built-In Pressure Vent". Then, around Thanksgiving 2008 I started reading the CPF 'Batteries Included' Archives in earnest.
Oh well, enough of my boring drivel - SEARCH the Archives for my recent I-C³ posts if you're interested.
...So the charger *seems* to be still functional, but is it useful for charging other batteries?
Not really. It uses that '
Black Band' around the I-C³ cells to determine whether to use HIGH current or SLOW/TRICKLE current. Current technology NiMH cells work best with a 0.5-1.0C Charge Rate, not an 'Overnight / 16hr' Slow Charge.
...Just wondering if I should get the Sanyo charger instead...
How big is your investment in rechargeable NiMH cells? If it's just a handful around the house, in non-critical applications, *MANY* folks get along just fine with the Sanyo MQN06U "Series Charging 2-Channel 4-Cell" Charger that comes packaged in the Eneloop sets sold at Costco. I have one. It runs cool, terminates just fine. BUT, I have no idea which of the 2 cells in series was charged 100% and which wasn't (
Read: An informal look at the Sanyo NC-MQN06U – charging in pairs). I tested it out (since it was essentially *FREE* in the Sanyo kit), but, I rely on my "
Golden Standard"
Maha MH-C9000 to *REALLY* tell me what's going on. :twothumbs
...they had a couple of Duracell chargers. One was a 'wall wart' that plugged directly in the outlet (no cable) and would do AAs and AAAs. I may pick one of those up.
I have LINKs for MANY of the current Duracell Chargers Spec Sheets in my Sig Line LINKs. Make sure you buy a "
1 Channel per Cell" Charger that terminates properly for the best results.
If the Duracell charger is under $20 then you will probably have to charge batteries in pairs which is not a good thing...
That's a '
possibly inaccurate' generalization.

Within the past month, Drugstore.Com and eBay recently had the CPF 'Highly Rated' Duracell Mobile Charger CEF23DX4 for under $20, IIRC. :wave:
...Each battery needs to be charged individually in it's own separate slot. When new the internal resistance of each battery is slightly different. As they get older then the resistance difference is gonna be greater between any 2 batteries. When you charge them in pairs, then 1 battery will be charged more than the other...
OR, their Internal Resistance may be almost identical but one cell was discharged more than the other (different device, different time, etc...)
...If you have a couple batteries where one has 80% of its charge and the 2nd one has 50% of it's charge, then the timer is going to try and give them both a 100% charge...
And OVERcharge the 80% full cell and UNDERcharge the 50% full cell.
How serious (aka DEEP) are you into Rechargeable NiMH AA and/or AAA cells? :thinking:
All-in-all, the questions most
Newbies ask aren't new - they've been '
Asked-N-Answered' *MANY* times over. If you're interested in *MY* opinion of the BEST ANSWERS to the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS, CLICK on my Sig Line LINK and read... :welcome: