Energizer 2500?


Dec 29, 2008
The Land of Silicon
I've read the horror stories... then I looked at my cells. :ohgeez: I have 8 Energizer 2500s that are about 2-3 years old. They're labeled "Made in Japan" and have "-HR-" stamped on the negative side. About two months ago, I charged 2 Energizer AAAs and 2 of these. Normally I put them in the fridge (this actually works, they can stay at 1.3V for months), but this time I was lazy and just put them in a drawer. Now when I go measure them (haven't used them yet), the AAAs are still at 1.3V and these are at 0.9-1V.

So... the big question. Should I toss them out/build a statue of shame out of the Energizer 2500s? The refrigeration is a huge hassle and means I have to always put random devices in the fridge or remove their batteries. I don't really have much that uses them anymore anyways (darned proprietary Li-ion packs and 18650s). My RC-G2's reflector was accidentally destroyed... and my Minimag actually manages to throw farther than it now. Everything that accepts AAs in my house seems to be remote controls, which never seem to end up draining their included alkaline cells.

If I throw the AAs away, then the only cells I'll have left are the AAAs, which seem to be happy charging on a super slow trickle charger. Otherwise, I might look into a hobby charger that can charge my Li-ions and these NiMH cells. :D
I tossed mine a few years ago because they would never hold a charge.........i guess you can keep them and just use them in something after it has been charged up.
I use my 2500s as backup in a headlamp when I am using it a lot I keep one on the charger and use it immediately and put another one on it so they do not have time to self discharge as a day later they would be dead. They typically hold a charge from half a day to 2 days but when charged they do have close to the capacity for a very short time.... about 6 hours perhaps.
LOL ok. I guess I'll just save them for when I get some RCR123s, 14500s or LSD AAs. They can have a nice laugh at the Energizer 2500s.

I saw yesterday that Home Depot is still carrying Energizer 2500s. Hasn't their reputation been tarnished enough? :rolleyes:
I didn't know they were still out in circulation........all the ones that i see out now are the 2450's which are way better then the 2500's.
I'm pretty sure that I have seen the 2500s recently over here and think that they are still very popular.

A dozen of them came my way as a gift from a friend about 18 months ago, I think that he knew they were junk batteries and thats why he was glad to get rid of them. Anyway they were garbage cells I hated them in every way and ended up giving them to somebody I dislike:twothumbs, just joking - I would had to have really hated them to do that. Boycot at all costs.
I was using those cells years ago in my M8 radio at the track.......the cells were charged that morning and during the day my radio went out and my rc collided with the wall....lol......
I didn't know they were still out in circulation........all the ones that i see out now are the 2450's which are way better then the 2500's.

So the 2450s are different cells than the older 2500s? I figured they were the same ones, with more conservative labeling.
Yes they are, at least i think so.......Did 5 cycles and then a break in and the batts keep a better charge then the 2500's ever did.
Yes they are, at least i think so.......Did 5 cycles and then a break in and the batts keep a better charge then the 2500's ever did.

I have been very pleased with my 2450 cells:eek: But then again I don't let them sit longer than 2-3 weeks without a recharge, as they are in constant rotation in my RC-N3-Q5.
2-3 weeks is great, when you compare it to the crappy 2500's which will hold a charge for what one day....lol.
Stupid coupon policies...

I sent Energizer an email and they sent me 2 coupons: 1 for $15 and 1 for $5. The problem is according to the fine print, I can't combine the coupons to buy something for $20, in which case I would get the 15 minute charger. I can only get 1 item per coupon. I'm thinking about a $20 12 pack of L91s from Costco with the $15 coupon and a $7 pack of EA91s minus the $5 coupon. Anyone think there might be something else that's a better value?
:bumpit:for the most recent Energizer 2500 thread I could come across.

Today a co-worker was asking me for a recommendation regarding rechargeable AA's for a camera flash. His complaint was that he had tried rechargeables a few years back but had horrible performance - a setup that was supposed to do ~700 flashes was only giving him "50 or so". I gave him the usual spiel about LSD tech and possible high-self-discharge behavior from some of the older NiMH's. He said, 'Here's what I have', guess the brand & model? :sick2:

You know I could never understand the mystery of "self discharge". What exactly happening inside the cell that the battery is losing its charge??. Furthermore what causes it to one day cell holds charge and after couple of cycles cell only last a day when not in use. Also want to know what did they do with the eneloops/duraloops that these cells hold their charge very very well??

Why does this happens in ni-cad and nimh cells??
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