Thanks boys! I've got a rotating diffuser on mine so I don't see any reason to get the new one.
I've got a rotating diffuser on mine
What kind of LED is that Ed? Some sorta' Nichia Power LED? All flood, all the time?
datiLED, did you cheat or just know your stuff?
The sliding diffuser is my favorite thing about my Petzl Tactikka XP. That diffuser mod takes the best aspects of the Tactikka XP (moving diffuser) and puts it on the EOS with its brighter LED and regulation. It'll be a great headlamp for getting everything ready for blast off at early morning bass tournaments. :twothumbs
I have been looking for one of those rayovac headlamps for a while, now I have another reason to find one. Is this the headlamp you got the diffuser from?