Felton Night Hike - Saturday, April 12th, 2008


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
San Jose, CA

This is the signup thread for the hike at Fall Creek in Felton, CA (near Santa Cruz). For those of us coming from the bay area side of the mountain, we will meet for carpooling at the Almaden Light Rail Station (Coleman Road and Winfield Blvd) in San Jose at 5:30 pm. Those coming from Santa Cruz can meet us at the park entrance on Felton Empire Road (at intersection with Ley Road) at about 6:15 pm. As the parking lot closes at sunset I'll show you were to legally park nearby after we all arrive.

We will be walking an easy 5 mile trail through a very scenic forest with creeks and occasional fallen trees. There is also the remains of a lime kiln that was in operation a century ago. At the halfway point of our hike (at Barrel Mill) we will stop for a light meal. I recommend packing such items as a sandwich, chips, soda, snack bar, etc. By the time we reach Barrel Mill it will be dark and a good opportunity to try out your compact camping lantern if you have one. Don't forget to pack a jacket too! If you have a day pack, or better yet a hydration pack, I'd suggest taking it to pack your stuff. Another item I'd highly recommend if you have one is an FRS radio. Hikers do tend to get spread out on the trail and the radios have really helped us out on past hikes; especially when it gets dark you're not the one holding a trail map or a GPS.

Speaking of getting dark and GPS:

Sunset will be at 7:41 pm with an end to civil twilight at 8:07 pm (when it really gets dark). The moon phase will be at first quarter. There is a heavy tree canopy and GPS receivers will have some difficulty getting a fix unless they are SiRF Star III or an equivalent chipset. I know I need not remind anyone about bringing a flashlight.

Please post if you will be meeting up at the carpool location or at the park entrance.

Meeting at carpool location:
- LowBat
- weedle256
- Weylan
- TigerhawkT3 +1
- drew2001
- vacuum3D +1
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I just got permission to go! Just Weylan.

I might bring the GPS.

Now what lights to bring!? Any one got batteries?

Larry, Kevin, are there any critters we should expect to see?
I'm in for the carpool. I may bring a friend, if he can make it.

I've got some new lighting implements as well. :)
Sounds great and weather should be nice. Good hints for basics too.

Larry, thanks for the reminder call. Sounds like a good plan. If for some reason am unable i'll call you or post here regrets asap. But If so, I'm able to drive a few if needed.

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I used to work at nearby MT. Hermon.....I am jealous of you folks! The woods up there get so dark!!!!Back when I worked there my addiction wasn't as powerful as it is now! I often think of just getting a job there so I can play at night! I live in SoCal now, so....I just have my dreams to pacify me.:mecry:
I used to work at nearby MT. Hermon.....I am jealous of you folks! The woods up there get so dark!!!!Back when I worked there my addiction wasn't as powerful as it is now! I often think of just getting a job there so I can play at night! I live in SoCal now, so....I just have my dreams to pacify me.:mecry:
I know how you feel. I've moved away several times but I eventually come back to this area. I know I'm fortunate to have so much so close. Better still, I've got friends here on CPF who also live nearby. :)

If you ever come back this way to visit I'll try to arrange a night hike that works with your schedule.
Ernest + 1 or 2

I haven't made up my mind whether to meet at carpool or at the park. I'll call Larry and let him know tomorrow.